Solved I Don't Know Which Addons I Need For My Skript

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Look up the general words in the syntax of the code which is spewing errors, I honestly recommend downloading a lot of the current addons,as they all provide a lot of useful stuff, someday you'll probably use it and they don't really do anything performance wise.

If you go to the skunity docs, look up the words in the syntax, you'll probably find a result or two, and it'll tell you the addon!
Wait... So you made a skript you don't know how to use..
I know how to use it you sweet sweet beautiful man i just needed to know the addons for it... solved it MYSELF...
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Look in docs u will find examples, Syntaxes and Addons.
But this time....
I know how to use it you sweet sweet beautiful man i just needed to know the addons for it... solved it MYSELF...

I fixed your post, don't be an asshole next time. There's no need to call someone a dumbass, be the bigger person.
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