I keep getting the error that my craft it not working and it throwes this in console
[SkBee] [Recipe] Current Item: 'Register new shaped recipe for {_wand2} (stick named Apprentice's Wand, as ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType) using ([[itemtype:iron ingot]], [[itemtype:stone block]], [[itemtype:iron ingot]], [[itemtype:iron ingot]], [[itemtype:stick]] named "Starter Wand", [[itemtype:iron ingot]], [[itemtype:iron ingot]], [[itemtype:stone block]] and [[itemtype:iron ingot]])[class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType] with id '"Apprentice's Wand"' '
[SkBee] [Recipe] Current Item: 'Register new shaped recipe for {_wand2} (stick named Apprentice's Wand, as ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType) using ([[itemtype:iron ingot]], [[itemtype:stone block]], [[itemtype:iron ingot]], [[itemtype:iron ingot]], [[itemtype:stick]] named "Starter Wand", [[itemtype:iron ingot]], [[itemtype:iron ingot]], [[itemtype:stone block]] and [[itemtype:iron ingot]])[class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType] with id '"Apprentice's Wand"' '
set {_wand2} to stick named "&a&lApprentice's Wand"
register new shaped recipe for {_wand2} using iron ingot, stone, iron ingot, iron ingot, {_a1}, iron ingot, iron ingot, stone and iron ingot with id "Apprentice's Wand"