Solved i am making a deposit skript (when you right click a paper/money it deposits into a balance) can i h

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Feb 23, 2021
this is what i have so far:

on right click with paper:
if name of event-item contains "&a$":
set {_amount} to uncolored name of event-item
replace all "$ " in {_amount} with ""
remove 1 of player's tool from player
add {_amount} to player's balance
this is what i have so far:

on right click with paper:
if name of event-item contains "&a$":
set {_amount} to uncolored name of event-item
replace all "$ " in {_amount} with ""
remove 1 of player's tool from player
add {_amount} to player's balance
the right click works just it doesnt add any money to my bal
first of all you'd need a way to actually withdraw the money

once that is done:
on right click with paper:
  name of event-item contains "$"
  set {_s::*} to name of event-item split at "$"
  set {_money} to "%{_s::2}%" parsed as a number
  set {_ia} to item amount of player's tool
  remove {_ia} of player's tool from player's tool
  add ({_money} * {_ia}) to player's balance

Hope this helped :emoji_slight_smile:
I already got a script for this but i forgot to mark it as done but ty and yes i have already made a withdraw command
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