/hub or /lobby skript

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Dec 15, 2023
i wanna make a skriptfor bungee backend server likeif u are in server bedwars and type /hub you will go in server lobby. i tried likethis but diddnt work

command /hub:
executable by: players
make player execute command "/server-lobby"
command /lobby:
executable by: players
make player execute command "/server-lobby"

it dosent work please tell me how to do it
so you have made a lot of errors. next time please read the skript docs. this will be the only time i help you. you made all idention errors and made up commands so please dont do it next time. here is the skript you need:


  • huborlobby.sk.txt
    336 bytes · Views: 312
so you have made a lot of errors. next time please read the skript docs. this will be the only time i help you. you made all idention errors and made up commands so please dont do it next time. here is the skript you need:
You are either trolling or an actual moron. The “indentation errors” as you so call them are because he forgot to but it between code brackets, those “made up commands” can be from any plugin. His only mistake is putting a / before the command, skript does this automatically so it’s running //server-lobby. Try having experience before shouting nonsense at people
You are either trolling or an actual moron. The “indentation errors” as you so call them are because he forgot to but it between code brackets, those “made up commands” can be from any plugin. His only mistake is putting a / before the command, skript does this automatically so it’s running //server-lobby. Try having experience before shouting nonsense at people
Listen Man. I dont even know you. Fine i made some mistakes, but nobody is perfect. everybody makes mistakes. it might be dumb but you dont have to get sooo mad. fine jeez i made some mistakes but the world did not end. ur only insulting me here which is against rules. please be respectful and maybe ask ur parents to teach u manners and to take u to anger management classes. the words u called me will come back to u one day if u are not respectful. hopefully u understand.
Listen Man. I dont even know you. Fine i made some mistakes, but nobody is perfect. everybody makes mistakes. it might be dumb but you dont have to get sooo mad. fine jeez i made some mistakes but the world did not end. ur only insulting me here which is against rules. please be respectful and maybe ask ur parents to teach u manners and to take u to anger management classes. the words u called me will come back to u one day if u are not respectful. hopefully u understand.
“Nobody is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes.” - Person that insulted someone for making a mistake that wasn’t even a mistake
Listen Man. I dont even know you. Fine i made some mistakes, but nobody is perfect. everybody makes mistakes. it might be dumb but you dont have to get sooo mad. fine jeez i made some mistakes but the world did not end. ur only insulting me here which is against rules. please be respectful and maybe ask ur parents to teach u manners and to take u to anger management classes. the words u called me will come back to u one day if u are not respectful. hopefully u understand.
so, you have made a lot of errors. "aggression here next time please read the skript docs. this will be the only time i help you. "aggression here" you made all indention errors and made-up commands "More aggression here" so please dont do it next time.

you insult a person for pretty much little mistakes. and when you figure out you made that mistake, you change scenario and start playing a victim

Alright, the point has been made. No need to continue stabbing a dead body. I'll join you, though.

What's funny is how hypocritical the guy is. First, he insults someone for making 'mistakes' when the guy made NO MISTAKES WHATSOEVER (except maybe indentation), and then when someone else points that out, the guy turns around and says "nobody is perfect, everybody makes mistakes" AS IF HE DIDN'T JUST ATTEMPT TO CRITICIZE SOMEONE ELSE'S "MISTAKES" and then he starts talk about anger management classes when he's the person who needs them :emoji_skull: I thought that was kinda funny

Edit: I looked at the hypocritical guy's code, and what is he doing :emoji_sob: I want to poke fun at it just because he attacked the other guy
you insult a person for pretty much little mistakes. and when you figure out you made that mistake, you change scenario and start playing a victim

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You are either trolling or an actual moron. The “indentation errors” as you so call them are because he forgot to but it between code brackets, those “made up commands” can be from any plugin. His only mistake is putting a / before the command, skript does this automatically so it’s running //server-lobby. Try having experience before shouting nonsense at people
Btw shroob, that 'only mistake' actually doesn't affect the code at all. It runs the exact same with or without the backslash.
i wanna make a skriptfor bungee backend server likeif u are in server bedwars and type /hub you will go in server lobby. i tried likethis but diddnt work

command /hub:
executable by: players
make player execute command "/server-lobby"
command /lobby:
executable by: players
make player execute command "/server-lobby"

it dosent work please tell me how to do it
command /lobby:
  aliases: /hub
    connect player to server "lobby"
You need addon skungee(https://forums.skunity.com/resources/skungee-the-proxy-addon-for-skript.87/)