How to make if block under player is not {(text about a block)}?

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Jul 8, 2019
Tried this:
every tick:
    if {wool.threading11} is not set:
        set {_plrs} to 0
        loop all players:
            if loop-player's world is "Woolshuffle":
                add 1 to {_plrs}
                set {%loop-player%.playing} to false
        if {_plrs} is 1:
            set {wool.threading11} to true
            loop all players:
                if loop-player's world is "Woolshuffle":
                    send "&6[&eWool shuffle&6] &5: &cGame starting in 30 seconds!" to loop-player
            wait 20 seconds
            loop all players:
                if loop-player's world is "Woolshuffle":
                    send "&6[&eWool shuffle&6] &5: &cGame starting in 10 seconds!" to loop-player
            wait 5 seconds
            loop all players:
                if loop-player's world is "Woolshuffle":
                    send "&6[&eWool shuffle&6] &5: &cGame starting in 5 seconds!" to loop-player
            wait 5 seconds
            loop all players:
                if loop-player's world is "Woolshuffle":
                    send "&6[&eWool shuffle&6] &5: &cGame starting!" to loop-player
                    teleport loop-player to {woolshuffle.ingametp} 
            set {_plrs} to 0
            loop all players:
                if loop-player's world is "Woolshuffle":
                    add 1 to {_plrs}
                    set {%loop-player%.playing} to true
            if {_plrs} is 0:
                loop all players:
                    if loop-player's world is "Woolshuffle":
                        send "&6[&eWool shuffle&6] &5: &cNo players found! Restarting!" to loop-player
                set {plrPlayingWool} to 0
                loop all players:
                    if loop-player's world is "Woolshuffle":
                        if {%loop-player%.playing} is true:
                            add 1 to {plrPlayingWool}
                while {plrPlayingWool} is not 0:
                    set {plrPlayingWool} to 0
                    loop all players:
                        if loop-player's world is "Woolshuffle":
                            if {%loop-player%.playing} is true:
                                add 1 to {plrPlayingWool}
                    set {_woolnum} to a random integer between 1 and 5
                    set {_woolnum.1} to "orange wool block"
                    set {_woolnum.2} to "magenta wool block"
                    set {_woolnum.3} to "light blue wool block"
                    set {_woolnum.4} to "yellow wool block"
                    set {_woolnum.5} to "lime wool block"
                    loop all players:
                        if loop-player's world is "Woolshuffle":
                            send "&6[&eWool shuffle&6] &5: &c%{_woolnum.%{_woolnum}%}%!" to loop-player
                    wait 5 seconds
                    loop all players:
                        if loop-player's world is "Woolshuffle":
                            if {%loop-player%.playing} is true:
                                set {_blockunder} to block under loop-player
                                set {_expected} to {_woolnum.%{_woolnum}%}
                                if {_blockunder} is {_expected}:
                                    send "&aYou survived this round!" to loop-player
                                    set {%loop-player%.playing} to false
                                    send "%{_blockunder}%" to loop-player
                                    send "%{_expected}%" to loop-player
                                    teleport loop-player to {woolshuffle.outgametp}
                                    send "&cYou got eleminated!" to loop-player 
                    set {plrPlayingWool} to 0
                    loop all players:
                        if loop-player's world is "Woolshuffle":
                            if {%loop-player%.playing} is true:
                                add 1 to {plrPlayingWool}
                delete {wool.threading11}
Prints out "Light wool block" <-- i am standing on
and "Light wool block" <-- what you need to stand on
Normally that would mean I pass this round but to skript, nope.
Weird. Help pls!
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