I've problem, I'm trying to get the direction of a loop-block (like north or the others)
I've tried this code :
every 3 second in "world":
loop all players:
if loop-player exists:
loop all blocks in radius 5 around the loop-player:
if loop-block is a pumpkin:
set {citrouille} to random integer between 1 and 10
set {citrouille_direction} to direction of loop-block
if {citrouille} == 5:
message "changement" to loop-player
set loop-block to glowing pumpkin
Coul'd you please help me ;D
I've problem, I'm trying to get the direction of a loop-block (like north or the others)
I've tried this code :
every 3 second in "world":
loop all players:
if loop-player exists:
loop all blocks in radius 5 around the loop-player:
if loop-block is a pumpkin:
set {citrouille} to random integer between 1 and 10
set {citrouille_direction} to direction of loop-block
if {citrouille} == 5:
message "changement" to loop-player
set loop-block to glowing pumpkin
Coul'd you please help me ;D