So i'm trying to make it so when you "try" to break a block you don't have the tool for, it doesn't work, in this case it will be wood and when i mean wood i mean literally every single wood type, and there's over a hundred of em'. So how do I make it? This is what i've tried.
command /blockcheck [<text>] [<text>]:
permission: op
if arg-1 is "check":
send "%{AllWoodTypes::*}%" to player
if arg-1 is "delete":
clear {AllWoodTypes::*}
if arg-1 is "what":
send "%type of target block%" to player
add type of target block to {AllWoodTypes::*}
send "&f&lDone" to player
on block break:
if player's gamemode is not creative:
# if event-block is oak log or spruce log or birch log or jungle log or acacia log or dark oak log:
if event-block is {AllWoodTypes::*}:
if player's tool is not wooden axe or stone axe or golden axe or iron axe or diamond axe or netherite axe:
send action bar "&4&lYou need a stronger tool to break this block!" to player
cancel event