So I want to delete the chat message the person says, how do i do that.
on chat:
if {willbuybitcoin::*} contains player:
if message is a number:
add message to {hourlyamount.%player%}
set {_bitcoinswillbuy} to message
if {_bitcoinswillbuy} <= 10:
wait 1 tick
if {hourlyamount.%player%} < 10:
set {_totalbuy} to {bitcoin.buyvalue} * arg 2
if balance of player >= {_totalbuy}:
add {_bitcoinswillbuy} to {bitcoins.%player%}
add {_bitcoinswillbuy} to {bitcoins.%player%}
remove {_totalbuy} from balance of player
message "{@p} &6%arg 2% bitcoin(s) has been added to your account! &aCurrent Balance: &e%{bitcoins.%player%}% &6bitcoin(s)"
message "{@p} &cInsufficient funds!"
else if {hourlyamount.%player%} >= 10:
remove message from {hourlyamount.%player%}
message "{@p} &cYou already bought 10 bitcoins in the last hour! &c(OR if you buy %arg 2% bitcoin(s), you will exceed the hourly amount of bitcoins you can buy.)"
else if {_bitcoinswillbuy} > 10:
message "{@p} &cYou can't buy more than 10 bitcoins!"
message "{@p} &cPlease say a number"