Solved How to define data to a projectile?. [Weapons skript]

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Jan 27, 2017
Skript Version: 2.2dev23
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.10.2
Full Code:
I saw this code in another help post. [ ]
on entity shoot:
    if event-entity is a player:
        #Arrow projectile:
        #Make it so bows will only shoot snowballs :P
        broadcast "%shot arrow%"
        spawn snowball at location above player
        #Skript doesn't have a proper way to define an entity. So I'm using this spawning method workaround.
        #I might make an effect to define a projectile and create data on top of that projectile, Like name etc.
        set shot projectile to last spawned snowball
        push shot projectile in direction of player at speed (arrow speed + 0.25)
        broadcast "%shot projectile%"
I would like to define data to a proyectile (Name of the shooter and damage or a number) so, in a "on damage" event it'll check for the data of the proyectile.
But i looked in the docs and forums, doesnt seems to be posible. Any ideas?

Other Useful Info:
I can add any addons, that isnt a problem.

Addons using :
skRayFall 1.9.7 , SkQuery 1.10 , TuSKe 1.7.4

Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? Yes
What other methods have you tried to fix it?
I tryied with this code
on right click using stone hoe:
    if the name of player's tool is coloured "&7Pistol":
        shoot snowball at speed 40
on right click using a gold hoe:
    if the name of player's tool is coloured "&7Sniper":
        shoot snowball at speed 70
on damage:
    projectile is a snowball
    if the name of shooter's tool is coloured "&7Pistol":
        damage victim by 1 heart
    if the name of shooter's tool is coloured "&7Sniper":
        damage victim by 3 hearts
But, is vulnerable. A player can shoot with a pistol and change to a sniper before the projectile hits the victim, and the damage event will check the Sniper instead of the pistol :/

I use the TagAPI [] from Mr_Simba, and SkStuff. Here is my test code that already works!
command /gun:
        give a stone hoe named coloured "&7Pistol" to player
        give a gold hoe named coloured "&7Sniper" to player

on right click using stone hoe:
    if the name of player's tool is coloured "&7Pistol":
        spawn snowball at player's head  #Note that the color is &c
        push last spawned snowball in direction of player at speed 1
        setKeyValueTag(last spawned snowball, "pistol", "%player%")
        set {_m} to getKeyValueTag(last spawned snowball, "pistol")
        send "&cFired: %{_m}%"
on right click using a gold hoe:
    if the name of player's tool is coloured "&7Sniper":
        spawn snowball at player's head  #Note that the color is &c
        push last spawned snowball in direction of player at speed 1
        setKeyValueTag(last spawned snowball, "sniper", "%player%")
        set {_m} to getKeyValueTag(last spawned snowball, "sniper")
        send "&2Fired: %{_m}%"
on damage:
    projectile exists
    if hasKeyValueTag(projectile, "pistol") is true:
        set {_player} to getKeyValueTag(last spawned snowball, "pistol") parsed as a player
        set the shooter to {_player}
        broadcast "&c->%shooter%"
    if hasKeyValueTag(projectile, "sniper") is true:
        set {_player} to getKeyValueTag(last spawned snowball, "sniper") parsed as a player
        set the shooter to {_player}
        broadcast "&2->%shooter%"
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"I would like to define data to a proyectile (Name of the shooter and damage or a number) so, in a "on damage" event it'll check for the data of the proyectile."

You mean
%damage% & %shooter%
"I would like to define data to a proyectile (Name of the shooter and damage or a number) so, in a "on damage" event it'll check for the data of the proyectile."

You mean
%damage% & %shooter%
Yest, that's right, but i would like to save that data on the projectile. Or make the projectile unique in some way
on right click using stone hoe:
    if the name of player's tool is coloured "&7Pistol":
        shoot snowball coloured named "&c%player%" at speed 40   #Note that the color is &c
on right click using a gold hoe:
    if the name of player's tool is coloured "&7Sniper":
        shoot snowball coloured named "&2%player%" at speed 70   #Note that the color is &2
on damage:
    projectile is a snowball
    if the name of the projectile is coloured "&c%shooter%":     #Note that the color is &c
        damage victim by 1 heart
    if the name of the projectile is coloured "&2%shooter%":     #Note that the color is &2
        damage victim by 3 hearts
Use metadata from Skellett or something similar like my TagAPI to tag the projectile then check its tag afterwards.
You are the best lion in the world.
[doublepost=1491759979,1491706140][/doublepost]Hi, i have some problems in the death by snowball.. The damage is deal with "damage player by 2 hearts" so, in the "on death" event doesnt read the player's as the attacker, because the damage was deal by Skript. Anyway to set the attacker to the shooter? :/ Thanks.
on damage:
    projectile is a snowball
    if the name of the projectile is coloured "&c%shooter%":     #Note that the color is &c
        set {gunshot::%victim%} to "%attacker%"
        damage victim by 1 heart
    if the name of the projectile is coloured "&2%shooter%":     #Note that the color is &2
        set {gunshot::%victim%} to "%attacker%"
        damage victim by 3 hearts
on death of player:
    if {gunshot::%event-entity%} is set:
        message "Killer: %{gunshot::%event-entity%}%"
        delete {gunshot::%event-entity%}
This can probably be made much simpler, try just this and see if it works:

on right click using stone hoe:
    if player's tool's name is "&7Pistol":
        shoot snowball from player at speed 40
        setKeyValueTag(last shot snowball, "Damage", "1")
on right click using a gold hoe:
    if player's tool's name is "&7Sniper":
        shoot snowball from player at speed 70
        setKeyValueTag(last shot snowball, "Damage", "3")
on damage:
    projectile is a snowball
    hasKeyValueTag(projectile, "Damage") is true
    set damage to "%getKeyValueTag(projectile, ""Damage"")%" parsed as an integer
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