How to create custom quests using skript?

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on arm swing: # Sets the variable so players can use it
  if {zombieskilled::%player%} is not set:
    set {zombieskilled::%player%} to 0
command /quests: # Quest gui
    if {zombieskilled::%player%} < 10:
      set {_quests} to a new chest inventory with 1 rows with name "&6&nQuests"
      set slot 4 of {_quests} to zombie head named "&n&2Zombie &n&cKiller"
      open {_quests} to player
      set line 1 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&4(%{zombieskilled::%player%}%&4/10)"
      set line 2 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&7Not completed"
    else if {zombieskilled::%player%} = 10:
      if {zombiekillerrewardquest::%player%} is not set:
        set {_quests} to a new chest inventory with 1 row with name "&6&nQuests"
        set slot 4 of {_quests} to zombie head named "&n&2Zombie &n&cKiller"
        open {_quests} to player
        set line 1 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&4&l(10/10)"
        set line 2 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&aCompleted!"
        set line 3 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&bClick to recieve the reward!"
        set {_quests} to a new chest inventory with 1 row with name "&6&nQuests"
        set slot 4 of {_quests} to zombie head named "&n&2Zombie &n&cKiller"
        open {_quests} to player
        set line 1 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&4&l(10/10)"
        set line 2 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&aCompleted!"
        set line 3 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&cYou already recieved your reward!"
on death: # Quest amount adder
  if victim is zombie:
    if {zombieskilled::%attacker%} < 10:
      add 1 to {zombieskilled::%attacker%}
on inventory click: # Reward
  if player's current inventory's name is "&6&nQuests":
    cancel event
    if click slot is 4:
      if {zombieskilled::%player%} = 10:
        if {zombiekillerrewardquest::%player%} is not set:
          give player a wooden sword named "&2&nZombie &c&nKiller"
          set {zombiekillerrewardquest::%player%} to true
          close player's inventory
          send "&cYou already recieved this reward!" to player
          close player's inventory

I made this example it's mostly using player's specific variables and counters
on arm swing: # Sets the variable so players can use it
  if {zombieskilled::%player%} is not set:
    set {zombieskilled::%player%} to 0
command /quests: # Quest gui
    if {zombieskilled::%player%} < 10:
      set {_quests} to a new chest inventory with 1 rows with name "&6&nQuests"
      set slot 4 of {_quests} to zombie head named "&n&2Zombie &n&cKiller"
      open {_quests} to player
      set line 1 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&4(%{zombieskilled::%player%}%&4/10)"
      set line 2 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&7Not completed"
    else if {zombieskilled::%player%} = 10:
      if {zombiekillerrewardquest::%player%} is not set:
        set {_quests} to a new chest inventory with 1 row with name "&6&nQuests"
        set slot 4 of {_quests} to zombie head named "&n&2Zombie &n&cKiller"
        open {_quests} to player
        set line 1 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&4&l(10/10)"
        set line 2 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&aCompleted!"
        set line 3 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&bClick to recieve the reward!"
        set {_quests} to a new chest inventory with 1 row with name "&6&nQuests"
        set slot 4 of {_quests} to zombie head named "&n&2Zombie &n&cKiller"
        open {_quests} to player
        set line 1 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&4&l(10/10)"
        set line 2 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&aCompleted!"
        set line 3 of slot 4 of current inventory of player's lore to "&cYou already recieved your reward!"
on death: # Quest amount adder
  if victim is zombie:
    if {zombieskilled::%attacker%} < 10:
      add 1 to {zombieskilled::%attacker%}
on inventory click: # Reward
  if player's current inventory's name is "&6&nQuests":
    cancel event
    if click slot is 4:
      if {zombieskilled::%player%} = 10:
        if {zombiekillerrewardquest::%player%} is not set:
          give player a wooden sword named "&2&nZombie &c&nKiller"
          set {zombiekillerrewardquest::%player%} to true
          close player's inventory
          send "&cYou already recieved this reward!" to player
          close player's inventory

I made this example it's mostly using player's specific variables and counters

Few things to note here:
You shouldn't check a variable every time a player swings their arm. Instead, you could set the variable on first join or even on join.
Next, you should check if the attacker is player before proceeding to check and add to variables.
And of course, use player UUID's instead of names.
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