how to cancel inventory drag

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Aug 7, 2024
first im korean sorry to my english is bad

command /test:
set {_a} to a chest inventory with 1 row named "just mapleeeee"
set slot 8 of {_a} to an anvil named "let's mapleeeee"
open {_a} to player
# when player try to move chest inventory item make it cancel
on inventory click:
if event-item is anvil:
cancel event

this works fine. But I also want to strengthen the item in slot 0 when I click on the anvil.
If a cancel event occurs when I click on the anvil, I can't strengthen it when I click on the anvil.
So I used on inventory drag syntax but this doesn't work
+ Thank you for reading my poor English.
first im korean sorry to my english is bad

command /test:
set {_a} to a chest inventory with 1 row named "just mapleeeee"
set slot 8 of {_a} to an anvil named "let's mapleeeee"
open {_a} to player
# when player try to move chest inventory item make it cancel
on inventory click:
if event-item is anvil:
cancel event

this works fine. But I also want to strengthen the item in slot 0 when I click on the anvil.
If a cancel event occurs when I click on the anvil, I can't strengthen it when I click on the anvil.
So I used on inventory drag syntax but this doesn't work
+ Thank you for reading my poor English.
I think I know what you mean. Try:
on inventory click:
   if name of event-inventory is "just mapleeeee":
      if event-slot is 0 or 8:
         cancel event