How to break blocks below player in a radius?

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New Member
Sep 13, 2020
So I'm making a script where blocks will be set to air below the player for a challenge.
I've got this part figured out, but if the player stands on the edge of a block it won't disappear, just the one next to it, and I'm looking for a solution

every 0.15 seconds in "SkriptTest":
    loop all players:
        if loop-player is alive:
            set the block below loop-player to air

All of the ones the player touches with their feet I want to be air
I realize now I picked the wrong title sorry bout that
Last edited:
So I'm making a script where blocks will be set to air below the player for a challenge.
I've got this part figured out, but if the player stands on the edge of a block it won't disappear, just the one next to it, and I'm looking for a solution

every 0.15 seconds in "SkriptTest":
    loop all players:
        if loop-player is alive:
            set the block below loop-player to air

All of the ones the player touches with their feet I want to be air
I realize now I picked the wrong title sorry bout that
every 0.5 seconds in "SkriptTest":
    loop all players:
        set {_loop-player} to loop-player
        if {_loop-player} is alive:
            set {_b.%{_loop-player}%} to block below {_loop-player}
            if {_b.%{_loop-player}%} != air:
                set {_lb.%{_loop-player}%} to {_b.%{_loop-player}%}'s location
                set block at {_lb.%{_loop-player}%} to air
instead of using the same command for every type of hostile mob, you could use tags to make the selection process a little easier:

/scoreboard players tag @e[type=Creeper] add Hostile
WTFFFFFFFFFFFF??????? wrong thread
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