How to avoid huge .sk files?

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Jan 26, 2017
Hi all,
while scripting a huge event plugin / skript I see my script file growing and growing. At some point it gets confusing. What would you recommend to do in order to keep the script file clear and easy to read and to keep reloading time of the script as short as possible?

At this time I have about 3k - 4k lines of code and reloading that script takes forever.
Hi all,
while scripting a huge event plugin / skript I see my script file growing and growing. At some point it gets confusing. What would you recommend to do in order to keep the script file clear and easy to read and to keep reloading time of the script as short as possible?

At this time I have about 3k - 4k lines of code and reloading that script takes forever.
In java you keep your code in classes so you can have every command in one class but still be one plugin
so you can do something like that in skript so if you are creating a factions skript you can have faction team system in one skript file and have the claim system in other skript file
The above guy is right, I don't know why but people are way used to have their scripts in a single file instead of splitting the work in different scripts. You can take my Skript bot, Kurisu as example.
Well, you can make it easy to read by adding options like this in the start of the skript project.
prefix: PrefixName
factionname: faction

And put the option name like @option, for example, send "@prefix hello world" @prefix will be the PrefixName in the project, it's easy to edit and to add.