How to add levels

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Oct 2, 2021
So i want to add levels to my server. Hopefully its easy for u to understand. So at level 1 u need to kill a player to lvl up. then lvl 2 u need to kill 2. and so on.
here is an idea:
level 1 - 1 kill to next lvl
level 2 - 2 kill to next lvl
level 3 - 3 kill to next lvl
level 4 - 4 kill to next lvl
etc etc
so basically every level is the amount of kills to progress to next lvl
So i want to add levels to my server. Hopefully its easy for u to understand. So at level 1 u need to kill a player to lvl up. then lvl 2 u need to kill 2. and so on.
here is an idea:
level 1 - 1 kill to next lvl
level 2 - 2 kill to next lvl
level 3 - 3 kill to next lvl
level 4 - 4 kill to next lvl
etc etc
so basically every level is the amount of kills to progress to next lvl
on death of player:
    attacker is a player
    add 1 to {kills::%attacker's uuid%}
    if {kills::%attacker's uuid%} = ({level::%attacker's uuid%} ? 1):
        delete {kills::%attacker's uuid%}
        add 1 to {level::%attacker's uuid%}
        send "&aYou just reached up to level %{level::%attacker's uuid%}%"
That should work, I haven't tested tho
on death of player:
    attacker is a player
    add 1 to {kills::%attacker's uuid%}
    if {kills::%attacker's uuid%} = ({level::%attacker's uuid%} ? 1):
        delete {kills::%attacker's uuid%}
        add 1 to {level::%attacker's uuid%}
        send "&aYou just reached up to level %{level::%attacker's uuid%}%"
That should work, I haven't tested tho
um is there a way to add it next to a player's name like for example: [10] Daniel
on death of player:
    attacker is a player
    add 1 to {kills::%attacker's uuid%}
    if {kills::%attacker's uuid%} = ({level::%attacker's uuid%} ? 1):
        delete {kills::%attacker's uuid%}
        add 1 to {level::%attacker's uuid%}
        send "&aYou just reached up to level %{level::%attacker's uuid%}%"
That should work, I haven't tested tho
btw it gives the victim the level
um is there a way to add it next to a player's name like for example: [10] Daniel
btw it gives the victim the level
To put their level next to their name you can either change your whole chat format with skript or register a placeholder for your plugin

And it's impossible to give the level to the victim.
um is there a way to add it next to a player's name like for example: [10] Daniel
btw it gives the victim the level

send "&aYou just reached up to level %{level::%attacker's uuid%}%" to attacker
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