Solved How to add a cooldown to a click skript

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New Member
Sep 13, 2020
mc version 1.16.2
skript version most recent

This is the skript so far i wanted to add a 3 second cooldown, how could i? also if i could make it so the golden hoe has to be named a certain thing thatd be great :emoji_grinning: (i did the spacing wont show for some reason) edit: only addon i have is skellet

on right click:
player is holding golden hoe
push the player upwards
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this works for me in 1.16

i also added a command that gives you the wand so that you dont have to name it in an anvil


    502 bytes · Views: 1,040
on right click:
if name of player's held item is "&6Launcher":
if {cooldown.%player%} is true:
message "&6you have to wait"
cancel event
if {cooldown.%player%} isn't set:
set {cooldown.%player%} to false
if {cooldown.%player%} is false:
set {cooldown.%player%} to true
push the player upwards
message "&byou have been launched"
wait 3 seconds
set {cooldown.%player%} to false

command /lw:
give player 1 golden hoe named "&6Launcher"


this works for me in 1.16

i also added a command that gives you the wand so that you dont have to name it in an anvil
this works for me in 1.16

i also added a command that gives you the wand so that you dont have to name it in an anvil

now it says you have to wait but the cooldown never resets
[doublepost=1600024961,1600024486][/doublepost]nvm there was just improper spacing
[doublepost=1600025024][/doublepost]wait nope now nothing happens
[doublepost=1600026119][/doublepost]NVM I GOT IT YAY
this works for me in 1.16

i also added a command that gives you the wand so that you dont have to name it in an anvil
i actually have an improvement to ur skript, on second line do "player is holding a golden hoe named "&6Launcher" that way it HAS to be a golden hoe no other item
now it says you have to wait but the cooldown never resets
[doublepost=1600024961,1600024486][/doublepost]nvm there was just improper spacing
[doublepost=1600025024][/doublepost]wait nope now nothing happens
[doublepost=1600026119][/doublepost]NVM I GOT IT YAY
i actually have an improvement to ur skript, on second line do "player is holding a golden hoe named "&6Launcher" that way it HAS to be a golden hoe no other item
alright but the chances someone has another item named &6Launcher are very small
but good luck with the skript!
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