- Script Version): 2.6.3
- Script Author: Ulises
- Minecraft Version: 1.17.1
I tried to make it but i dont how, ig i can use a lot of if's but i want to avoid that
i thought i could use the size of the list but idk
on chat:
if message contains "[item]":
cancel event
player is not holding air
set {_message} to message
set {_count} to amount of player's held item in player's inventory
set {_lore::*} to lore of player's tool
set {_a} to size of {_lore::*}
replace all "[item]" with "&c[<tooltip:%{_lore::1}%%nl%%{_lore::2}%%nl%%{_lore::3}%%nl%%{_lore::4}%>&7x%{_count}% %name of player's tool%&c]<reset>" in {_message}
send formatted "%player's displayname%&f: &7%{_message}%" to all players