How do you execute a command on 'armor equip'?

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Whirus Prime

May 20, 2021
Hello, I'm new to Skript. I'm looking for a skript how-to or something someone can just mention how to make it so you can make weighted armor. Also, I want to be able to make it so that when "on-wear" an item, it'll execute a command, like this:

on armor equip:
event-item is charcoal
display name of event-item is "&e&lCrown of Choice"
execute console command "lp user %player% permission set relics.choice"
execute console command "tell %player% &aDo &l/effectcc &ato get started!"
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on armor equip:
  event-item is charcoal
  name of event-item is "&e&lCrown of Choice"
  console command "lp user %player% permission set relics.choice"
  console command "tell %player% &aDo &l/effectcc &ato get started!"
You dont add a "trigger" for anything that isn't a command.