How Do I make trap command? Help please!

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Aug 30, 2022
I want to make a trap command were you can do /trap <Player> <Time> and it puts glass all around then for a certain amount of time and then goes back to normal. I found my skript has some problems to it.

1. If the player is jumping there is no floor because I dont know how to save block data and when the timer is up only half of the glass disapears

2. The script is very long and anoyying to edit I asume there is a loop script to make it easier but I cant figure that out!

My script:

command /trap [<player>] [<text>]:
    permission: troll.trap
    permission message: &cYou dont have access!
    usage: /trap <player> <seconds>
        set block 1 north of the arg-1 to glass
        set block 1 block up north of the arg-1 to glass
        set block 1 north of the arg-1 to glass
        set block 1 block up east of the arg-1 to glass
        set block 1 east of the arg-1 to glass
        set block 1 block up south of the arg-1 to glass
        set block 1 south of the arg-1 to glass
        set block 1 block up west of the arg-1 to glass
        set block 1 west of the arg-1 to glass
        set block 2 blocks above the arg-1 to glass
        wait "%arg-2% seconds" parsed as timespan
        set block 1 north of the arg-1 to air
        set block 1 block up north of the arg-1 to air
        set block 1 north of the arg-1 to air
        set block 1 block up east of the arg-1 to air
        set block 1 east of the arg-1 to air
        set block 1 block up south of the arg-1 to air
        set block 1 south of the arg-1 to air
        set block 1 block up west of the arg-1 to air
        set block 1 west of the arg-1 to air
        set block 2 blocks above the arg-1 to air

As you can see its not ideal. Help would be awsome!
command /trap [<player>] [<number>]:
  permission: troll.trap
  permission message: &cYou dont have access!
  usage: /trap <player> <seconds>
    set {_vecs::*} to (vector(0,-1,0)), (vector(0,2,0)), (vector(1,0,0)), (vector(-1,0,0)), (vector(0,0,1)), (vector(0,0,-1)), (vector(1,1,0)), (vector(-1,1,0)), (vector(0,1,1)), (vector(0,1,-1))
    set {_loc} to location of block at arg-1
    teleport arg-1 to {_loc}
    loop {_vecs::*}:
      set {_vecs::%loop-index%} to {_loc} ~ loop-value
      set {_blocks::%loop-index%} to type of block at {_vecs::%loop-index%}
      set block at {_vecs::%loop-index%} to glass
    loop arg-2 times:
      wait 1 second
    loop {_vecs::*}:
      set block at loop-value to {_blocks::%loop-index%}
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