how do i fix this rank skript i made

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Jun 6, 2022
    p: &4&lOwner
command /rank [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]:
    permission: op
    permission message: {@p} &cDon't have permission!
        if arg 1 is not set:
        send "&c--------------------------------------"
        send "&4/rank set <player> <rank> &8:: &7Sets a player rank"
        send "&4/rank list &8:: &7Shows you ALL groups"
        send "&4/rank prefix <player> <prefix> &8:: &7Sets a custom prefix for a player"
        send "&4/rank reset <player> &8:: &fResets a players rank to &7&lMember"
        send "&4/rank info &8:: &7Shows info about the skript"
        send "&c--------------------------------------"
        if arg 1 is "set":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is "owner":
                    set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&4&lOwner"
                    broadcast "{@p} &6%arg 2% &eis our NEW &4&lOwner"
                if arg 3 is "co owner"
                    set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&6&lco&4&lOwner"
                    broadcast "{@p} &6%arg 2% &ris the &4&lOWNER&7 of &6&lthe server"
                if arg 3 is "sr-admin":
                    set {rank.%player%} to "&c&lSr. Admin"
                    broadcast "{@p} &6%arg 2% &7is our NEW &c&lSr. Admin"
                if arg 3 is "member":
                    set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&7&lMember"
                send "{@} &8Please specify a player"
        if arg 1 is "prefix":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    set {rank.%arg 2%} to "%colourd arg 3%"
                    send "{@p} &cPrefix of &4arg 2% &chas been set to: &f%colourd arg 3%"
                    send "{@p} &cYour prefix has been set to %colourd arg 3% &cby &4%player%" to arg 2
                    "{@p} &8Please give a prefix"
                "{@p} &8Please specify a player"
        if arg 1 is "list":
            send "&c--------------------------------------"
            send "&4&lOwner &7==> &fGroup Name: &8owner"
            send "&6&lHypixel &4&lOwner &7==> &fGroup Name: &8hypixel owner"
            send "&7&lMember &7==> &fGroup Name: &8member"
            send "&c--------------------------------------"
        if arg 1 is "info":
            send "&c--------------------------------------"
            send "&4Skript made by Hypixel and MrPandaPresident"
            send "&4Version &c1.0"
            send "&c--------------------------------------"

on chat:
    cancel event
    broadcast "%{rank.%player}% &7%player% &8>> &fmessage"
on first join:
    set {rank.%player%} to "&7&lMember"
In order for us to help you, you'll need to answer some base questions in your original post:

- What is the code supposed to do?
- What is the code doing?
- What needs fixing?