Hello girls and boys, i need help skripting gens for my server.
I will be online tomorrow at 3 (pm). If you were wondering,
the server ip is WonderFarms.minehut.gg (/join WonderFarms)
That's the server i need help with! I will give the person who helps me
skript the server the prizes below:
Custom Chat Tag
Custom Rank
3 Server Tags
/fly + /ec (/enderchest)
The plugins are very important to
know for some skripters, the addons
i used for my servrer are in the below:
Skbee: 1.5-3.0
Skript: 1.0-3.0
skRayFall: 1.20-2.0
skript-gui: 1.0-3.0
skQuery (unistalled)
If this helps anyone, please give me a reply.
The list of gens i would like is:
Wheat (T1)
Carrots (T2)
Potato (T3)
Beetroot (T4)
Also, for the confused devs, T = Tier
Also, please make it easy to edit the
skript because i am still learning!
The reason i wanted easy to edit is because
i wanna learn what you skripted and why
you did it for i can learn from your experience.
Shoutout to everyone who tries to help
I will be online tomorrow at 3 (pm). If you were wondering,
the server ip is WonderFarms.minehut.gg (/join WonderFarms)
That's the server i need help with! I will give the person who helps me
skript the server the prizes below:
Custom Chat Tag
Custom Rank
3 Server Tags
/fly + /ec (/enderchest)
The plugins are very important to
know for some skripters, the addons
i used for my servrer are in the below:
Skbee: 1.5-3.0
Skript: 1.0-3.0
skRayFall: 1.20-2.0
skript-gui: 1.0-3.0
skQuery (unistalled)
If this helps anyone, please give me a reply.
The list of gens i would like is:
Wheat (T1)
Carrots (T2)
Potato (T3)
Beetroot (T4)
Also, for the confused devs, T = Tier
Also, please make it easy to edit the
skript because i am still learning!
The reason i wanted easy to edit is because
i wanna learn what you skripted and why
you did it for i can learn from your experience.
Shoutout to everyone who tries to help