How can i skript gens? #zcx2

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Sep 2, 2023
Hello girls and boys, i need help skripting gens for my server.
I will be online tomorrow at 3 (pm). If you were wondering,
the server ip is (/join WonderFarms)

That's the server i need help with! I will give the person who helps me
skript the server the prizes below:
Custom Chat Tag
Custom Rank
3 Server Tags
/fly + /ec (/enderchest)

The plugins are very important to
know for some skripters, the addons
i used for my servrer are in the below:
Skbee: 1.5-3.0
Skript: 1.0-3.0
skRayFall: 1.20-2.0
skript-gui: 1.0-3.0
skQuery (unistalled)

If this helps anyone, please give me a reply.

The list of gens i would like is:
Wheat (T1)
Carrots (T2)
Potato (T3)
Beetroot (T4)

Also, for the confused devs, T = Tier
Also, please make it easy to edit the
skript because i am still learning!

The reason i wanted easy to edit is because
i wanna learn what you skripted and why
you did it for i can learn from your experience.

Shoutout to everyone who tries to help
Hello girls and boys, i need help skripting gens for my server.
I will be online tomorrow at 3 (pm). If you were wondering,
the server ip is (/join WonderFarms)

That's the server i need help with! I will give the person who helps me
skript the server the prizes below:
Custom Chat Tag
Custom Rank
3 Server Tags
/fly + /ec (/enderchest)

The plugins are very important to
know for some skripters, the addons
i used for my servrer are in the below:
Skbee: 1.5-3.0
Skript: 1.0-3.0
skRayFall: 1.20-2.0
skript-gui: 1.0-3.0
skQuery (unistalled)

If this helps anyone, please give me a reply.

The list of gens i would like is:
Wheat (T1)
Carrots (T2)
Potato (T3)
Beetroot (T4)

Also, for the confused devs, T = Tier
Also, please make it easy to edit the
skript because i am still learning!

The reason i wanted easy to edit is because
i wanna learn what you skripted and why
you did it for i can learn from your experience.

Shoutout to everyone who tries to help
I'm only good with helping, lol. Maybe after I'm done skripting the server I'm currently working on.
How exactly do you want the gens to function? Do you want it to be like the stereotypical gen server? Or something different?
Please explain.