How can i make custom hidden drops?

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Sep 2, 2023
So i tried to make a dropping item and i used a command to test it. But i can't figure out
how you can hide the attributes. Like example, i want to hide the mending enchantment!

I need someone to help me with this script!

command /test:
        give player 1 porkchop of mending named "&aEnchanted Pork" with lore "&a&lUNCOMMON" with nbt "{HideFlags:63}" #need to fix all enchantements hidden!

Then after i fix that, i will add it to the script below to make farm animals for my MMORPG!

on death:
    if attacker is player:
        if victim is a pig:
            clear drops
            drop 1 porkchop named "&fRaw Pork" with lore "&f&lCOMMON"

Thank you to everyone who helped me!
So i tried to make a dropping item and i used a command to test it. But i can't figure out
how you can hide the attributes. Like example, i want to hide the mending enchantment!

I need someone to help me with this script!

command /test:
        give player 1 porkchop of mending named "&aEnchanted Pork" with lore "&a&lUNCOMMON" with nbt "{HideFlags:63}" #need to fix all enchantements hidden!

Then after i fix that, i will add it to the script below to make farm animals for my MMORPG!

on death:
    if attacker is player:
        if victim is a pig:
            clear drops
            drop 1 porkchop named "&fRaw Pork" with lore "&f&lCOMMON"

Thank you to everyone who helped me!
Using the latest version of Skript, you will need to use item flags (Click to view the expression on the Docs).
Code Example:
give player 1 of diamond of protection 1 with item flag hide enchants