Homing Particles?

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Jul 3, 2017
Hello I am using skDragon on MC1.8.8 and i was wondering if there is a way that particles could home in/follow the targeted person, and also if there is a way i could determine the speed of the particle and for it to damage the entity when it reaches it.

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Hello I am using skDragon on MC1.8.8 and i was wondering if there is a way that particles could home in/follow the targeted person, and also if there is a way i could determine the speed of the particle and for it to damage the entity when it reaches it.

I looked into this aswell and at the time i couldn't find a way which would do it perfectly but i used this:
if target living entity is set:
    loop 10 times:
        drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, center player, target location of target living entity, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
        drawLine particle smoke, XYZ 2, 2, 2, center player, target location of target living entity, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
If your you should take a look at my "SkyWand" resource :emoji_slight_smile: .
I looked into this aswell and at the time i couldn't find a way which would do it perfectly but i used this:
if target living entity is set:
    loop 10 times:
        drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, center player, target location of target living entity, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
        drawLine particle smoke, XYZ 2, 2, 2, center player, target location of target living entity, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
If your you should take a look at my "SkyWand" resource :emoji_slight_smile: .
I think i have come across SkyWands before
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