Hologram over Pumpkin

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Active Member
Apr 30, 2017
Category: Hologram over Pumpkin

Suggested name: I don't really want it to be a skript file, just something like on a hastebin or something that works for you as I already have a skript file that has the rest of my code in there :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:

What I want:
Hi there! So, what I need is a hologram to be spawned over a pumpkin (Block ID: 86) after it gets placed. The name doesn't really matter as I just have to make it something that fits to my theme (Colour, Features, etc.) I also need it to change the hologram's text after it gets destroyed because I want it to be replaced with stone (I have already skripted that, so if I get the code that sets it to a hologram after it being placed, and it changing after it gets destroyed, I can work it from there as I think I would get a good enough understanding to add some code myself :emoji_wink:) If you have any questions, please leave a reply below as I would happily answer your question!

Ideas for commands: No Commands :emoji_slight_smile:

Ideas for permissions: No Permissions :emoji_slight_smile:

When I'd like it by: Whatever works for you as you are doing it voluntarily :emoji_wink:

Thanks Everyone!

EDIT: SkStuff does not work for me so don't use that please!

Best Regards,
Last edited:
Oh! Hi @BrettPlayMC! I am DropTheHood from SpigotMC! And, yes, you are right, but they didn't give me help and said they aren't going to spoon feed me, so I came here as I haven't started on anything yet. I don't have a problem with what I have, it is just I don't have anything as I am not sure how to make it work without SkStuff.

Best Regards,
- @LoneElf
Not on my main PC so I don't have access to too much. Quickly did this in a few minutes untested, so fire away.

    pumpkintext: &6Pumpkin

every 2 seconds:
    loop all players:
        loop blocks in radius 15 around the loop-player:
            if loop-block is pumpkin:
                create hologram "{@pumpkintext}" at block above loop-block for 2 seconds

Meaning if a player is in a radius to see the pumpkin a hologram will spawn. Edit the text by changing the "&6Pumpkin" bit.
Not on my main PC so I don't have access to too much. Quickly did this in a few minutes untested, so fire away.

    pumpkintext: &6Pumpkin

every 2 seconds:
    loop all players:
        loop blocks in radius 15 around the loop-player:
            if loop-block is pumpkin:
                create hologram "{@pumpkintext}" at block above loop-block for 2 seconds

Meaning if a player is in a radius to see the pumpkin a hologram will spawn. Edit the text by changing the "&6Pumpkin" bit.
I do not recommend doing something like this at all. It screams lag. Not to mention it only shows the tag if a player is within 15 blocks which isnt even a chunk and i would think most people have their render distance much higher.

I would say skrayfall is still your best bet. Just make the time 999 days or something and if holograms get reset when the server closes (idk if they do) then you can add them to a list variable to recreate when the server starts up.
I do not recommend doing something like this at all. It screams lag. Not to mention it only shows the tag if a player is within 15 blocks which isnt even a chunk and i would think most people have their render distance much higher.

I would say skrayfall is still your best bet. Just make the time 999 days or something and if holograms get reset when the server closes (idk if they do) then you can add them to a list variable to recreate when the server starts up.
This would mean they stay there forever, he asked for something where if they were broken a hologram would not appear.
Hey! So, I have an issue: When the hologram gets displayed, I set it to "&d&lHALLOWEEN CANDY". So, it shows it above all pumpkins, but the thing is, it shows it dark as if it is in the block. It looks like dark purple. If I set it to "&6&lHALLOWEEN CANDY", it will be dark orange. Also, when it breaks, I need it to replace it with stone which I got, but then I made it project another hologram (with the same issue as above), but it does it on all stone. I want it to do it on the stone that replaced the pumpkin, not any random stone as there is a lot of stone in the map, and I can't have "&c&lLOOTED" be on every stone.

Thanks :emoji_wink:
What is it used for, because there is a few ways getting around it. Is it in a certain world or where does it happen ect.
Ok. So, for anyone who was wondering, this is, from start to finish, what I am doing. So, for halloween, I made it so that when you spawn a pumpkin, it creates a hologram with the method @HiddenDev gave me. That is working fine and all, except for 1 thing: When I place it, it spawns a hologram like it should, but it is dark, just as if it is spawned in the block, not above it. When I remove the block, it gets clear again, and bright like normal. So, that aside, everything regarding above is working, so far, so good. Now, I skripted something so that when a pumpkin gets destroyed, it spawns a cobble stone block. Now, I set it so that it makes a hologram over it, but I ran into an issue: With the method @HiddenDev[B][/B] gave me, it checks all cobble stone blocks and puts a hologram over every one. Now, I can not have this be an issue as I need some cobble stone to be for builds/decorations, and some for this fun feature. After the stone gets placed where the pumpkin got removed, it drops items as I want it to. After 5 minutes, it destroys the cobble stone and replaces it with a pumpkin again so that this whole thing can be repeated and repeated over again.

That is basically what I am doing, and the only issues I am having are the ones I bolded!

Thanks guys!

Best of Luck,
- @LoneElf
[doublepost=1506733062,1506725248][/doublepost]I'll move this to the help section as I already got my request! If I need further requests regarding this, I will come back to this thread!

Thanks everyone who contributed to my request! (@HiddenDev)

Best Regards,
- @LoneElf