Hey! Like the title says, I wanted to ask how I can hide or show individuel entities to individuel players.
What I have made so far is this:
But the only important lines are these:
This is basically what isn't working. The thing is it's not spitting out any errors, it's just not working xD
Maybe someone has an idea... Thanks!
What I have made so far is this:
on every 5 ticks:
loop all players:
if {Level.%loop-player%} is more than 9:
loop all text displays in radius 25 around loop-player:
if name of loop-entity-2 is "PerkSelector":
reveal loop-entity-2 to loop-player
if name of loop-entity-2 is "PerkSelectorDisabled":
hide loop-entity-2 from loop-player
loop all text displays in radius 25 around loop-player:
if name of loop-entity-2 is "PerkSelector":
hide loop-entity-2 from loop-player
if name of loop-entity-2 is "PerkSelectorDisabled":
reveal loop-entity-2 to loop-player
But the only important lines are these:
hide loop-entity-2 from loop-player
reveal loop-entity-2 to loop-player
This is basically what isn't working. The thing is it's not spitting out any errors, it's just not working xD
Maybe someone has an idea... Thanks!
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