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New Member
Sep 11, 2024
SOO I need help on my skript. So Im trying to make a death messages skript but idk how to make a death message for player slang by player and player slain by end crystal and a exploion with the item they used.
You haven't really provided much detail here. But I'll give it a shot. This is a really quick janky piece I've written here, but it will do what you need it to do. Please provide more information in future if you are looking for help, as it will help us help you, a lot easier.

on damage:
    if type of victim is an ender crystal:  #Checks to see if a end crystal has been blown up
        set {usedendcrystal} to attacker   #Sets a variable to know who has used an end crystal last. (It will update each time any player blows up an end crystal)
        set {crystaltool} to attacker's tool #Gets the item they were holding when they broke the end crystal (Once again updates any time a player blows up a crystal)

on death:
    victim is a player:
        if damage cause is entity explosion: #This could be any entity explosion, thats why I implemented the {usedendcrystal} check next line
            if {usedendcrystal} is attacker: #Checks to see if the attacker had used an end crystal
                broadcast "%victim% got blown up by a End Crystal detonated by %attacker%, while holding %{crystaltool}%."

Any questions just ask :emoji_slight_smile: