Skript Code (only "on load" event)
It all works fine, but I wanted to add some "spacers", I tried "write file" but it didn't work, I also tried
, it worked but I don't really like how it is written in the yaml file
YAML Fle without spacers
YAML File with spacers
file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Staff-Bot/config.yml" doesn't exist:
send "<light red>[!] Sto preparando il config.yml, attendere..." to console
send "<light gray>Directory: plugins/Skript/scripts/Staff-Bot/config.yml" to console
create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Staff-Bot/config.yml"
wf "## Creato da FinalPlayer024 - @SkriptGeT" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/Staff-Bot/config.yml"
wf "## File di configurazione" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/Staff-Bot/config.yml"
set "Staff-Bot.Prefix" to "[STAFF-BOT] :" in yaml file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Staff-Bot/config.yml"
#Here I want to add a "spacer"
set "Staff-Bot.StaffChat (modifica sotto).Prefix" to "Staff-Bot" in yaml file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Staff-Bot/config.yml"
#Here I want to add a "spacer"
add "ParolaBandita123456" to yaml list "Staff-Bot.AntiCurses" from "../../Skript/scripts/Staff-Bot/config.yml"
add "SecondaParolaBandita123456" to yaml list "Staff-Bot.AntiCurses" from "../../Skript/scripts/Staff-Bot/config.yml"
It all works fine, but I wanted to add some "spacers", I tried "write file" but it didn't work, I also tried
set "Staff-Bot. " to " " in yaml file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Staff-Bot/config.yml"
YAML Fle without spacers
# Creato da FinalPlayer024 - @SkriptGeT
# File di configurazione
Prefix: '[STAFF-BOT] :'
StaffChat (modifica sotto):
Prefix: Staff-Bot
- ParolaBandita123456
- SecondaParolaBandita123456
YAML File with spacers
# Creato da FinalPlayer024 - @SkriptGeT
# File di configurazione
Prefix: '[STAFF-BOT] :'
' ': ' '
StaffChat (modifica sotto):
Prefix: Staff-Bot
' ':' '
- ParolaBandita123456
- SecondaParolaBandita123456