Help with the script

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Jun 4, 2024
Hi all.

I'm new to the Skript theme, so I have very little experience writing my own small projects.
I need your help.

How to make sure that if a player writes the command /randominv <player>, the locations of the selected player’s resources in the inventory are changed to random

(Sorry for my bad English)
Create a list of the player's items, shuffle the list, clear the player's inventory, loop and set slots to items
I apologize in advance for the stupidity of my actions and thoughts, but I don’t fully understand all this. Sorry

command /randominv [<player>]:
loop all items in arg-1's inventory:
add items of arg-1 to {item-list}
set {obj} to a random object out of {item-list}
add {obj} to {_shuffledlist::*}
clear arg-1's inventory
set slots to {_shuffledlist::*}
I haven't tested this code but I tried to fix your code. some issues to point out were trying to add items to a non list variable (ex: {notlistvar} {islistvar::*}). also you shiffled your varialbe incorrectly and tried to set multiple slots at once (idk if you can do that but that's not how if you can)
command /randominv <player=%player%>:
        loop all items in arg-1's inventory:
            add loop-item to {_item-list::*}
        loop 36 - size of {_item-list::*} times:
            add air to {_item-list::*}
        set {_item-list::*} to shuffled {_item-list::*}
        clear arg-1's inventory
        loop {_item-list::*}:
            set slot (loop-index - 1) of arg-1 to loop-value