Hello, I am creating a skript where you create a hologram.
But how to create a hologram that can be few blocks above player?
command /civilization:
permission: civ.view
if {civce.u} is true:
open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&eCIV&3&lCRAFTER &8| &7Menu" to player
format gui slot 20 of player with glowing diamond pickaxe named "&f&lACTION" with lore "&7Click on this option for actions:", and " &7&l|&3Select City", and " &7&l|&3Select Unit", and " &7&l|&3Talk - Others" to run:
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&eCIV&3&lCRAFTER &8| &f&lACTION MENU" to player
format gui slot 11 of player with brick named "&fCITY" with lore "&fClick for city options." to run:
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&e&lCIV&3&lCRAFTER &8| &f&lCITY ACTIONS" to player
format gui slot 11 of player with minecart with chest named "&f&lCITY" with lore "&fCreate a city" to close:
if block under player is grass block:
if block under player is not sand:
if block under player is not red sand:
if block under player is not snow block:
set block at player's location to iron trapdoor
send "&eCIV&3&lCRAFTER &8| &7Enter your city's name"
create a new hologram with lines "&fCity &8| &6%{civ.u}%" and "&7This is a city"
send "&eCIV&3&lCRAFTER &8| &7You can't found a city here, find a land."
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