Help with 'make player fly' skript

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New Member
Jun 16, 2022
Heya! I am trying to have a feather for my 1.8.9 kitpvp server that, when right clicked, forces the user to fly for five seconds and then forces them to stop flying. I figured this would be relatively simple, but I'm encountering not very helpful issues. Here's what I've got:
on rightclick with a feather:
    name of player's tool is "&rHawk Wings"
    set name of player's tool to "&oIn Flight!"
    make player fly
    wait 5 seconds
    loop all items in player's inventory:
        name of loop-item is "&oIn Flight!"
        set name of loop-item to "&rHawk Wings"
    make player stop flying

And here's the error I've been getting:

The renaming of the feather works fine, it just isn't actually doing anything. I've tried variations like "enable flight for player" and it seems to have less issues with that but it still doesn't actually do anything.
Any help is greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!!!
Changed the code to this with that advice. I don't plan on updating past 1.8.9, does the "make fly" effect only work on higher versions?
on rightclick with a feather:
    name of player's tool is "&rHawk Wings"
    set name of player's tool to "&oIn Flight!"
    set player's flight state to true
    make player fly
    wait 5 seconds
    loop all items in player's inventory:
        name of loop-item is "&oIn Flight!"
        set name of loop-item to "&rHawk Wings"
    make player stop flying
    set player's fly state to false

It seems Skript is prioritizing "set" than the flight state expression
Yes, you most definetly need to update to the latest version of skript. Lower versions has ALOT of bugs and issues
Yes, you most definetly need to update to the latest version of skript. Lower versions has ALOT of bugs and issues
I believe I have the latest version for 1.8.9 installed, but I am having trouble finding the version number. The downloads on skUnity don't seem to specify which minecraft versions they support, either. Am I missing a repository somewhere?
replaced whatever current jar I had with this version and now everything broke lol and it says I am using a custom version of skript
okay through some search history investigating I was using the latest version of Skript off of the old old bukkit plugins page, and when replacing Skript.jar with that it seems everything works again, but this is definitely not the correct version of skript I assume I should be using.
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You need to use the latest version (2.8.0) and maybe switch your server to 1.20 and add Viabackwards and Viaversion
Is there any way to do this without updating the server? I am trying to keep the most authentic 1.8.9 experience as I can.
it will be very hard, but if you update the server and add via backwards and via version you will be able to allow players to join on 1.8.9