Help with item block script and changing blocks

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Mar 14, 2017
Hi, I made an item block script for use with a PVP arena on my server. When clicked, it will give a random item, and turn to stone, before turning back into a redstone lantern again. In theory and in my testing it works, however when there are multiple players clicking on all the blocks in the arena, they will get 'stuck' as a stone block, and won't turn back into a redstone lantern.

Skript Version:
Skript 2.2 (dev25)
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.11
Full Code:

   {__randomblockitem} = 0
on click on a active redstone lamp:
   player has the permission "fps.fpsblock":
       set block to stone
       set {randomblockitem} to random integer from 0 and 772
       if {randomblockitem} is above or equal to 0:
           if {randomblockitem} is less than or equal to 10:
               wait 1 second
               execute console command "/shot give %name of player% Bazooka"
               execute console command "/give %name of player% cobblestone 10"
       if {randomblockitem} is above or equal to 11:
           if {randomblockitem} is less than or equal to 15:
               wait 1 second
               execute console command "/shot give %name of player% RecoilessRifle"
               execute console command "/give %name of player% stone 10"
#50 other if statements here so im not gonna include them
       if {randomblockitem} is above or equal to 759:
           if {randomblockitem} is below or equal to  767:
               wait 1 second
               execute console command "/shot give %name of player% FlakBomb"
       if {randomblockitem} is above or equal to 768:
           if {randomblockitem} is below or equal to  772:
               wait 1 second
               execute console command "/shot give %name of player% Smite"
       Wait 30 seconds
       set block to redstone lamp
       #to hopefully fix the bug, but unfortunately doesnt work
       Wait 5 ticks
       set block to redstone lamp
       Wait 5 ticks
       set block to redstone lamp

Errors on Reload:


Console Errors: (if applicable)


Other Useful Info:

Addons using (including versions):
Umbaska 2.0 (Beta 5.5.1), SkRayFall 1.9.3, skUtilities 0.5.5


Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? No
What other methods have you tried to fix it? Added code to change the block to stone a few ticks after it was supposed to turn back
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