Help with format slot

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Jun 11, 2017
It seems that whenever I try to format a slot it gives me this error when I load the plugin:
ERROR ': &cS&6a&em&a1&b3&97&10" to be unstealable' is not a valid item data (, line 6: format slot 0 of player with skull of Sam1370 named "&cOwner: &cS&6a&em&a1&b3&97&10" to be unstealable')
My code is this:
command /staff:
        if player has permission "staff.gui":
            wait 1 tick
            open chest with 1 row named "&9&lStaff" to player
            format slot 0 of player with skull of Sam1370 named "&cOwner: &cS&6a&em&a1&b3&97&10" to be unstealable
Somehow format slot just doesn't like me. Am I doing something wrong?
Here's the template information:
Skript Version: Skript 2.2 (dev20c)
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.11
Addons using (including versions):
[Unofficial] SkQuery fork [1.6-1.12+] 3.5.7-Lime, from the Spigot page (
Personally I recommend using "set slot" or tuske GUIs instead of format slot.

That being said, I'm pretty sure the error is being caused by "skull of Sam1370"

Try this:
command /staff:
        if player has permission "staff.gui":
            wait 1 tick
            open chest with 1 row named "&9&lStaff" to player
            set {_player} to "Sam1370" parsed as an offline player
            format slot 0 of player with skull of {_player} named "&cOwner: &cS&6a&em&a1&b3&97&10" to be unstealable
Personally I recommend using "set slot" or tuske GUIs instead of format slot.

That being said, I'm pretty sure the error is being caused by "skull of Sam1370"

Try this:
command /staff:
        if player has permission "staff.gui":
            wait 1 tick
            open chest with 1 row named "&9&lStaff" to player
            set {_player} to "Sam1370" parsed as an offline player
            format slot 0 of player with skull of {_player} named "&cOwner: &cS&6a&em&a1&b3&97&10" to be unstealable
Thanks! One question--how would you do this for multiple players? set {_player2}?
Thank you, but I think I'll just make my own. :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:

By the way, in Skript how can I make someone's head in the inventory slot be facing a certain direction?
Rotating head in GUI is not possible. The only way you can show a side is by having 4 accounts that have each side as the front face.
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