Help with custom SMP Skript

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Active Member
Oct 19, 2023
I'm trying to make it so u need a specific variable to be true to be able to withdraw the invis rogue so people cant withdraw it without having the variable on their player [it'd be nice if it said an error message too but its not needed]

command /withdrawrogue <text>:
if arg 1 is "invis":
remove health boost from player
remove speed from player
send actionbar "&aYou have withdrew &9Invisibility Rogue!" to player
give player 1 paper named "&9Invisibility Rogue" with lore "&6&lABILITY: &aBecome fully &9invisible &afor &620 seconds" , "&6Side Effects: &bSpeed II &6& &dHealth Boost I"
play sound "block.note_block.guitar
on right click holding paper:
    if the event-item's name = "&9Invisibility Rogue":
        remove 1 paper named "&9Invisibility Rogue" from player
        #blah blah
on right click holding paper:
    if the event-item's name = "&9Invisibility Rogue":
        remove 1 paper named "&9Invisibility Rogue" from player
        #blah blah
No i've already set that up what i mean is like, they right click it to stash it where they get the effects & stuff but if they want to get the items back they do /withdrawrogue invis but what i want it to do is make it so they cant withdraw the invis rogue without having a specific variable on their character
No i've already set that up what i mean is like, they right click it to stash it where they get the effects & stuff but if they want to get the items back they do /withdrawrogue invis but what i want it to do is make it so they cant withdraw the invis rogue without having a specific variable on their character
command /withdrawrogue <text>:
if arg 1 is "invis":
if {has_invis_rogue::%player%} is true:
remove health boost from player
remove speed from player
send actionbar "&aYou have withdrawn &9Invisibility Rogue!" to player
give player 1 paper named "&9Invisibility Rogue" with lore "&6&lABILITY: &aBecome fully &9invisible &afor &620 seconds" and "&6Side Effects: &bSpeed II &6& &dHealth Boost I"
play sound "block.note_block.guitar" to player
delete {has_invis_rogue::%player%}
send "&cYou do not have the ability to withdraw the Invisibility Rogue!" to player