I'm trying to make a skript that basically can see the parent's speed attribute then it adds a random number between 0.1 and 0.3 to it and sets the child's attribute to that. However, I'm getting an error on the 3rd line of the skript about it not understanding it. I'm using SkBee, and I'm wondering if theres a fix. The rest works fine.
on entity breed:
if breeding mother is a horse:
set {speed.%event-entity%} to mother's generic movement speed
set {random} to a random integer between 0.1 and 0.3
set child's generic movement speed attribute to {speed.%event-entity%} + {random}
on entity breed:
if breeding mother is a horse:
set {speed.%event-entity%} to mother's generic movement speed
set {random} to a random integer between 0.1 and 0.3
set child's generic movement speed attribute to {speed.%event-entity%} + {random}