Salut j'ai un petit soucis avec mon Skript. J'ai 6 erreurs que je n'arrive pas à résoudre. Je suis en version 1.21.1 de mon serveur.
on right click with gold ingot:
if name of player's tool is "&6&lBoutique":
open chest with 6 row named "&8Boutique" to player
format slot 10 of player with glowing emerald named "&aHéros &7(Rang n°4)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe &bdernier &fgrade VIP !", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &aVert", and "&a> &fBooster de &6Gloire &e+200%% &f! (Cumul 300%%)", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 50 amis", and "&a> &fDes groupes de 10 joueurs", and "&a> &fDes particules exclusives", and "&a> &fLes avantages du &bVIP+", and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and " &a&m25 500 Faveurs&a 12 800 Faveurs", and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -50%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close
format slot 11 of player with enchanting table named "&6Grade Personnalisé &7(Rang n°5)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fUn grade &bsur-mesure &fpour répondre", and "&faux exigences des plus actifs.", and " ", and "&fDétails et présentation ici:", and "&b", and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a75 500 faveurs" to close
format slot 18 of player with glowing iron ingot named "&9Mini-VIP &7(Rang n°1)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe grade VIP &ble moins cher &f!", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &9Bleu", and "&a> &fBooster de &6Gloire &e+20%% &f! (Cumul 50%%)", and "&a> &fAccès prioritaire à la file d'attente", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 15 amis", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a&m2 000 Faveurs&a 398 Faveurs ou 29 500 Gloires" , and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -80%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close then run player command "/§buyminivip %player%" with permission "buy"
format slot 19 of player with glowing gold ingot named "&eVIP &7(Rang n°2)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe second grade VIP !", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &eJaune", and "&a> &fBooster de &6Gloire &e+50%% &f! (Cumul 100%%)", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 20 amis", and "&a> &fDes particules exclusives", and "&a> &fDes groupes de 7 joueurs", and "&a> &fLes avantages du &9Mini-VIP" , and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a&m4 500 Faveurs&a 1 800 Faveurs", and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -60%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close
format slot 20 of player with glowing diamond named "&bVIP+ &7(Rang n°3)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe troisième grade VIP !", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &bBleu clair", and "&a> Booster de &6Gloire &e+100%% &f! (Cumul 200%%)", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 30 amis", and "&a> &fDes particules exclusives", and "&a> &fLes avantages du &eVIP", and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a&m6 000 Faveurs&a 2 400 Faveurs", and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -60%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close
format slot 37 of player with bed named "&eBoutique &6Rush" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 38 of player with grass named "&eBoutique &6LandRush" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 39 of player with brick block named "&eBoutique &6FreeCube" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 15 of player with experience bottle named "&cBoosters" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 24 of player with redstone named "&cParticules" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 53 of player with dark oak door item named "&cFermer" to close
command /boutique:
open chest with size 6 row named "&8Boutique" to player
format slot 10 of player with glowing emerald named "&aHéros &7(Rang n°4)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe &bdernier &fgrade VIP !", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &aVert", and "&a> &fBooster de &6Gloire &e+200%% &f! (Cumul 300%%)", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 50 amis", and "&a> &fDes groupes de 10 joueurs", and "&a> &fDes particules exclusives", and "&a> &fLes avantages du &bVIP+", and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and " &a&m25 500 Faveurs&a 12 800 Faveurs", and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -50%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close
format slot 11 of player with enchanting table named "&6Grade Personnalisé &7(Rang n°5)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fUn grade &bsur-mesure &fpour répondre", and "&faux exigences des plus actifs.", and " ", and "&fDétails et présentation ici:", and "&b", and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a75 500 faveurs" to close
format slot 18 of player with glowing iron ingot named "&9Mini-VIP &7(Rang n°1)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe grade VIP &ble moins cher &f!", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &9Bleu", and "&a> &fBooster de &6Gloire &e+20%% &f! (Cumul 50%%)", and "&a> &fAccès prioritaire à la file d'attente", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 15 amis", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a&m2 000 Faveurs&a 398 Faveurs ou 29 500 Gloires" , and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -80%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close then run player command "/§buyminivip %player%" with permission "buy"
format slot 19 of player with glowing gold ingot named "&eVIP &7(Rang n°2)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe second grade VIP !", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &eJaune", and "&a> &fBooster de &6Gloire &e+50%% &f! (Cumul 100%%)", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 20 amis", and "&a> &fDes particules exclusives", and "&a> &fDes groupes de 7 joueurs", and "&a> &fLes avantages du &9Mini-VIP" , and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a&m4 500 Faveurs&a 1 800 Faveurs", and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -60%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close
format slot 20 of player with glowing diamond named "&bVIP+ &7(Rang n°3)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe troisième grade VIP !", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &bBleu clair", and "&a> Booster de &6Gloire &e+100%% &f! (Cumul 200%%)", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 30 amis", and "&a> &fDes particules exclusives", and "&a> &fLes avantages du &eVIP", and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a&m6 000 Faveurs&a 2 400 Faveurs", and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -60%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close
format slot 37 of player with bed named "&eBoutique &6Rush" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 38 of player with grass named "&eBoutique &6LandRush" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 39 of player with brick block named "&eBoutique &6FreeCube" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 15 of player with experience bottle named "&cBoosters" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 24 of player with redstone named "&cParticules" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close