So my problem is that is says "bandemoremedlem2(p: player) is not a text"
Heres is the part of the script:
function bandemoremedlem2(p: player):
set {_bankkonto} to "%{bander::%{bande::%{uuid::%{_p}%}%}%::bankkonto}%" parsed as a number
if {_bankkonto} is more than 9999:
add 1 to {bander::%{bande::%{uuid::%{_p}%}%}%::maxmedlemmer}
send "{@prefix} &7Du har nu købt &a1 medlem&7 mere til din bande!" to {_p}
remove 10000 from {bander::%{bande::%{uuid::%{_p}%}%}%::bankkonto}
Pls help
Heres is the part of the script:
function bandemoremedlem2(p: player):
set {_bankkonto} to "%{bander::%{bande::%{uuid::%{_p}%}%}%::bankkonto}%" parsed as a number
if {_bankkonto} is more than 9999:
add 1 to {bander::%{bande::%{uuid::%{_p}%}%}%::maxmedlemmer}
send "{@prefix} &7Du har nu købt &a1 medlem&7 mere til din bande!" to {_p}
remove 10000 from {bander::%{bande::%{uuid::%{_p}%}%}%::bankkonto}
Pls help