Solved (Help) Unique NBT's between two items that share the same name and NBT

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Feb 11, 2020
Skript Version: 2.5.3
Skript Author: YourSpeedDealer
Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
Full Code:

command /m4a1:
        set {_M4A1} to 1 leather horse armor named "&bM4A1"
        add "{maxDurabilityM4:31}" to nbt of {_M4A1}
        set {ammo} to tag "maxDurabilityM4" of nbt of {_M4A1}
        broadcast "%{ammo}%"
        give player {_M4A1}

on rightclick:
    if name of player's tool contains "&bM4A1":
        broadcast "%{ammo}%"
        if {kyle::%player%} is true:
            cancel event
            if {ammo} is greater than 0:
                shoot an egg from player's head at speed 4.5
                set {bulletegg.%player%} to 1
                play sound "entity.generic.explode" from master category at volume 0.35 with pitch 2 at player's location
                wait 2 ticks
                set {ammo} to {ammo} - 1
                send action bar "%{_ammo}% / 31" to player
            if {ammo} is equal to 0:
                play sound "BLOCK_DISPENSER_DISPENSE" at volume 0.35 with pitch 2 at player's location
                cancel event

No errors whatsoever.

If I were to have two of the same item with the command /m4a1, they would both have the same nbt and name. If I shoot one gun, the {ammo} changes for both of them because it isn't unique to each specific tool. My question being, how can I make each NBT unique to the held item, so that when I shoot from one gun, it doesn't drain {ammo} of the other?
You didn't use NBT for ammunition, you used a global, non-specific variable. What do you want to use for the ammunition now? A variable or nbt?
You didn't use NBT for ammunition, you used a global, non-specific variable. What do you want to use for the ammunition now? A variable or nbt?
Either one if it works. I want ammo that works specifically to one Gun. Not if I switch between two of the same guns it uses the same variable.
the actuall weapon part has to work, not sure if I made that giving the weapon part right
function setItemTag(item: item, tag: string, value: object) :: item:
    set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_item}
    set tag "tag;custom;%{_tag}%" of {_nbt} to {_value}
    return item from nbt {_nbt}
function getItemTag(item: item, tag: string) :: object:
    set {_tag} to tag "custom;%{_tag}%" of nbt of {_item}
    return {_tag}
function removeItemTag(item: item, tag: string) :: item:
    set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_item}
    delete tag "tag;custom;%{_tag}%" of {_nbt}
    return item from nbt {_nbt}

command /getgun:
    set {_M4A1} to 1 leather horse armor named "&bM4A1"
    add "{ammunition:31}" to nbt of {_M4A1}
    give player {_M4A1}

on right click:
  if name of player's tool contains "&bM4A1":
    if {kyle::%player%} is not true:
      set {_ammunition} to getItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition")
      if {_ammunition} is more than 0:
        shoot an egg from player's head at speed 4.5
        play sound "entity.generic.explode" from master category at volume 0.35 with pitch 2 at player's location
        set player's tool to setItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition", {_ammunition}-1)
        play sound "BLOCK_DISPENSER_DISPENSE" at volume 0.35 with pitch 2 at player's location
[doublepost=1626543122,1626542994][/doublepost]if the giving gun part is not working try:
command /getgun:
    set {_M4A1} to 1 leather horse armor named "&bM4A1"
    set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_M4A1}
    set tag "tag;custom;ammunition" of {_nbt} to 32
    give player {_M4A1}
the actuall weapon part has to work, not sure if I made that giving the weapon part right
function setItemTag(item: item, tag: string, value: object) :: item:
    set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_item}
    set tag "tag;custom;%{_tag}%" of {_nbt} to {_value}
    return item from nbt {_nbt}
function getItemTag(item: item, tag: string) :: object:
    set {_tag} to tag "custom;%{_tag}%" of nbt of {_item}
    return {_tag}
function removeItemTag(item: item, tag: string) :: item:
    set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_item}
    delete tag "tag;custom;%{_tag}%" of {_nbt}
    return item from nbt {_nbt}

command /getgun:
    set {_M4A1} to 1 leather horse armor named "&bM4A1"
    add "{ammunition:31}" to nbt of {_M4A1}
    give player {_M4A1}

on right click:
  if name of player's tool contains "&bM4A1":
    if {kyle::%player%} is not true:
      set {_ammunition} to getItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition")
      if {_ammunition} is more than 0:
        shoot an egg from player's head at speed 4.5
        play sound "entity.generic.explode" from master category at volume 0.35 with pitch 2 at player's location
        set player's tool to setItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition", {_ammunition}-1)
        play sound "BLOCK_DISPENSER_DISPENSE" at volume 0.35 with pitch 2 at player's location
[doublepost=1626543122,1626542994][/doublepost]if the giving gun part is not working try:
command /getgun:
    set {_M4A1} to 1 leather horse armor named "&bM4A1"
    set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_M4A1}
    set tag "tag;custom;ammunition" of {_nbt} to 32
    give player {_M4A1}

I appreciate your macro amounts of effort toward my problem. However, giving myself the gun plays the dispenser noise with both /getgun commands. Also, I left out a bit of code since I didn't think it would be necessary, but now I do think it is.

Here is entire code now as it is. My issue is no errors on reloading, but when I rightclick, it plays the dispenser noise as if _ammunition was <none>, and leftclick does nothing. Thank you very muc hfor your time and effort. Its very appreciated.

on join:
    set {kyle::%player%} to false
on spawn:
    if event-entity is chicken:
        cancel event

function setItemTag(item: item, tag: string, value: object) :: item:
    set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_item}
    set tag "tag;custom;%{_tag}%" of {_nbt} to {_value}
    return item from nbt {_nbt}
function getItemTag(item: item, tag: string) :: object:
    set {_tag} to tag "custom;%{_tag}%" of nbt of {_item}
    return {_tag}
function removeItemTag(item: item, tag: string) :: item:
    set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_item}
    delete tag "tag;custom;%{_tag}%" of {_nbt}
    return item from nbt {_nbt}
command /getgun:
    set {_M4A1} to 1 leather horse armor named "&bM4A1"
    set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_M4A1}
    set tag "tag;custom;ammunition" of {_nbt} to 32
    give player {_M4A1}
on right click:
  if name of player's tool contains "&bM4A1":
    if {kyle::%player%} is not true:
      set {_ammunition} to getItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition")
      if {_ammunition} is more than 0:
        shoot an egg from player's head at speed 4.5
        play sound "entity.generic.explode" from master category at volume 0.35 with pitch 2 at player's location
        set player's tool to setItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition", {_ammunition}-1)
        play sound "BLOCK_DISPENSER_DISPENSE" at volume 0.35 with pitch 2 at player's location

on leftclick:
    if name of player's tool contains "&bM4A1":
        cancel event
        set {_ammunition} to getItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition")
        if {_ammunition} is equal to 31:
            cancel event
        if {_ammunition} is less than 31:
            if player has 1 spruce door named "&cAmmo Clip":
                {reloading.%player%} = false:
                    set {kyle::%player%} to true
                    remove spruce door named "&cAmmo Clip" from player's inventory
                    play sound "" from master category with pitch 2 at player's location
                    set {reloading.%player%} to true
                    wait 2 seconds
                    play sound "block.wooden_door.close" from master category with pitch 2 at player's location
                    wait 8 ticks
                    play sound "block.wooden_door.close" from master category with pitch 2 at player's location
                    set {_ammunition} to 31
                    set {reloading.%player%} to false
                    set {kyle::%player%} to false
                    send action bar "%{_ammunition}% / 31" to player
                cancel event
on sneak toggle:
  name of player's tool contains "&bM4A1"
  if player is not sneaking:
    apply slowness 1 to player
    remove slowness from player

on damage:
    event-projectile is egg:
        {bulletegg.%player%} = 1
        damage victim by 2 hearts

command /clip [<integer>]:
        give player arg-1 of spruce door named "&cAmmo Clip"
function setItemTag(item: item, tag: string, value: object) :: item:
        set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_item}
        set tag "tag;custom;%{_tag}%" of {_nbt} to {_value}
        return item from nbt {_nbt}
function getItemTag(item: item, tag: string) :: object:
        set {_tag} to tag "custom;%{_tag}%" of nbt of {_item}
        return {_tag}
function removeItemTag(item: item, tag: string) :: item:
        set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_item}
        delete tag "tag;custom;%{_tag}%" of {_nbt}
        return item from nbt {_nbt}

on quit:
    delete {gun::reloading::%player%}

command /getgun:
        give player leather horse armor named "&bM4A1"

command /clip [<integer>]:
        give player arg-1 of spruce door named "&cAmmo Clip"

on right click:
    if name of player's tool contains "&bM4A1":
        if {kyle::%player%} is not true:
            set {_ammunition} to getItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition")
            if {_ammunition} is "ammunition":
                set player's tool to setItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition", 30)
                set {_ammunition} to getItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition")
            if {_ammunition} is more than 0:
                send action bar "&c%{_ammunition}% &8/ &a31" to player
                shoot an egg from player's head at speed 4.5
                play sound "entity.generic.explode" from master category at volume 0.35 with pitch 2 at player's location
                set player's tool to setItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition", {_ammunition}-1)
                send action bar "&cOUT OF AMMUNITION" to player
                play sound "BLOCK_DISPENSER_DISPENSE" at volume 0.35 with pitch 2 at player's location

on leftclick:
    if name of player's tool contains "&bM4A1":
        cancel event
        set {_tool} to tool of player
        set {_ammunition} to getItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition")
        if {_ammunition} is less than 31:
            if player has 1 spruce door named "&cAmmo Clip":
                if {gun::reloading::%player%} is not true:
                    send action bar "&eRELOADING..." to player
                    set {gun::reloading::%player%} to true
                    remove spruce door named "&cAmmo Clip" from player's inventory
                    play sound "" from master category with pitch 2 at player's location
                    if tool of player is {_tool}:
                        wait 2 seconds
                        play sound "block.wooden_door.close" from master category with pitch 2 at player's location
                        if tool of player is {_tool}:
                            wait 8 ticks
                            play sound "block.wooden_door.close" from master category with pitch 2 at player's location
                            set player's tool to setItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition", 31)
                            send action bar "&aRELOAD COMPLETE" to player
                            delete {gun::reloading::%player%}
                            give player spruce door named "&cAmmo Clip"
                            send action bar "&cRELOAD CANCELED" to player
                            delete {gun::reloading::%player%}
                        give player spruce door named "&cAmmo Clip"
                        send action bar "&cRELOAD CANCELED" to player
                        delete {gun::reloading::%player%}
                send action bar "&eYOU DO NOT HAVE AN AMMUNITION CLIP" to player
            send action bar "&eYOUR WEAPON IS RELOADED ALREADY" to player
Last edited:
function setItemTag(item: item, tag: string, value: object) :: item:
        set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_item}
        set tag "tag;custom;%{_tag}%" of {_nbt} to {_value}
        return item from nbt {_nbt}
function getItemTag(item: item, tag: string) :: object:
        set {_tag} to tag "custom;%{_tag}%" of nbt of {_item}
        return {_tag}
function removeItemTag(item: item, tag: string) :: item:
        set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_item}
        delete tag "tag;custom;%{_tag}%" of {_nbt}
        return item from nbt {_nbt}

on quit:
    delete {gun::reloading::%player%}

command /getgun:
        give player leather horse armor named "&bM4A1"

command /clip [<integer>]:
        give player arg-1 of spruce door named "&cAmmo Clip"

on right click:
    if name of player's tool contains "&bM4A1":
        if {kyle::%player%} is not true:
            set {_ammunition} to getItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition")
            if {_ammunition} is "ammunition":
                set player's tool to setItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition", 30)
                set {_ammunition} to getItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition")
            if {_ammunition} is more than 0:
                send action bar "&c%{_ammunition}% &8/ &a31" to player
                shoot an egg from player's head at speed 4.5
                play sound "entity.generic.explode" from master category at volume 0.35 with pitch 2 at player's location
                set player's tool to setItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition", {_ammunition}-1)
                send action bar "&cOUT OF AMMUNITION" to player
                play sound "BLOCK_DISPENSER_DISPENSE" at volume 0.35 with pitch 2 at player's location

on leftclick:
    if name of player's tool contains "&bM4A1":
        cancel event
        set {_tool} to tool of player
        set {_ammunition} to getItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition")
        if {_ammunition} is less than 31:
            if player has 1 spruce door named "&cAmmo Clip":
                if {gun::reloading::%player%} is not true:
                    send action bar "&eRELOADING..." to player
                    set {gun::reloading::%player%} to true
                    remove spruce door named "&cAmmo Clip" from player's inventory
                    play sound "" from master category with pitch 2 at player's location
                    if tool of player is {_tool}:
                        wait 2 seconds
                        play sound "block.wooden_door.close" from master category with pitch 2 at player's location
                        if tool of player is {_tool}:
                            wait 8 ticks
                            play sound "block.wooden_door.close" from master category with pitch 2 at player's location
                            set player's tool to setItemTag(player's tool, "ammunition", 31)
                            send action bar "&aRELOAD COMPLETE" to player
                            delete {gun::reloading::%player%}
                            give player spruce door named "&cAmmo Clip"
                            send action bar "&cRELOAD CANCELED" to player
                            delete {gun::reloading::%player%}
                        give player spruce door named "&cAmmo Clip"
                        send action bar "&cRELOAD CANCELED" to player
                        delete {gun::reloading::%player%}
                send action bar "&eYOU DO NOT HAVE AN AMMUNITION CLIP" to player
            send action bar "&eYOUR WEAPON IS RELOADED ALREADY" to player

Thank you very much. This functions as it's supposed to.
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