I'm trying to get the person to /cr <radius> so that he can change the range of his chat, but since I changed what appears in /cr by skript, when someone from /cr <local> or /cr <global > he tells the person to type /cr, is there a way for me to cancel this and put it so that the command can be executed normally?
I would also like to put a value so that the person can use /cr <global>
Skript to /cr
Plugin is ChatManager > https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/chat-manager-1-7-1-17-30-features-and-40-commands.52245/
in game skript /cr
when the player uses /cr <global>
I would also like to put a value so that the person can use /cr <global>
Skript to /cr
command /cr:
send "&c[]&7&m------&7[ &aHELP &7]&7&m------&c[]"
send " "
send "&7[&a?&7] &7Para enviar mensagem no chat &elocal &7utilize: &c/cr local"
send "&7[&a?&7] &7Para enviar mensagem no chat &aglobal &7utilize:&c/cr global"
send " "
send "&c[]&7&m------&7[ &aCHAT &7]&7&m------&c[]"
Plugin is ChatManager > https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/chat-manager-1-7-1-17-30-features-and-40-commands.52245/
in game skript /cr
when the player uses /cr <global>