Solved Help to create a dome around who uses a certain item

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New Member
Aug 28, 2023
Hello, I have looked for plugins to duplicate or do what is mentioned below, but I have not found anything.

Category: Help to create a script that when clicking a certain item "iron door", creates a glass dome around the player.

Skript Version: 2.9.1
What I want:
I need help to create a script similar to the "//hsphere" command of world edit, but that does not replace the blocks under the player, but the empty ones around the one I execute it and that after a certain time the blocks disappear and return to place the blocks that were previously there before using this item, I have tried to do it several times, but I have not been able to create something similar.

When I'd like it by:
I need it in 1 week, I've already spent a lot of time trying to do it
Hello, I have looked for plugins to duplicate or do what is mentioned below, but I have not found anything.

Category: Help to create a script that when clicking a certain item "iron door", creates a glass dome around the player.

Skript Version: 2.9.1
What I want:
I need help to create a script similar to the "//hsphere" command of world edit, but that does not replace the blocks under the player, but the empty ones around the one I execute it and that after a certain time the blocks disappear and return to place the blocks that were previously there before using this item, I have tried to do it several times, but I have not been able to create something similar.

When I'd like it by:
I need it in 1 week, I've already spent a lot of time trying to do it

on right click:
   player is holding iron door named "Test"
   loop all blocks in radius 4 around player's location:
      if distance between location and loop-block's location is between 3.5 and 4.5:
         loop-block is air
         set loop-block to bedrock
Try this! You can change the radius to whichever radius you'd like and if needed, can change it into a command. Also, feel free to adjust the number 3.5 and 4.5 in the distance line if you wish to modify the sphere that appears a bit more.
on right click:
   player is holding iron door named "Test"
   loop all blocks in radius 4 around player's location:
      if distance between location and loop-block's location is between 3.5 and 4.5:
         loop-block is air
         set loop-block to bedrock
Try this! You can change the radius to whichever radius you'd like and if needed, can change it into a command. Also, feel free to adjust the number 3.5 and 4.5 in the distance line if you wish to modify the sphere that appears a bit more.
When you click on the item nothing happens
on right click holding iron door:
    if name of player's tool is "&x&0&8&4&C&F&BT&x&3&F&8&4&F&Ce&x&7&6&B&B&F&Cs&x&A&D&F&3&F&Dt":
        set {_center} to player's location
        delete {_blocks::*}
        loop all blocks in radius 4 around {_center}:
            set {_distance} to distance between {_center} and loop-block
            if {_distance} is between 3.5 and 4.5:
                if loop-block is air:
                    add location of loop-block to {_blocks::*}
                    set loop-block to glass
        send "&aHas creado un anillo de vidrio a tu alrededor. Desaparecerá en 8 segundos." to player
        wait 8 seconds
        loop {_blocks::*}:
            set block at loop-value to air
        send "&cEl anillo de vidrio ha desaparecido." to player

I have created a script based on the one you gave me, but doing so leaves me with some openings in the dome
on right click holding iron door:
    if name of player's tool is "&x&0&8&4&C&F&BT&x&3&F&8&4&F&Ce&x&7&6&B&B&F&Cs&x&A&D&F&3&F&Dt":
        set {_center} to player's location
        delete {_blocks::*}
        loop all blocks in radius 4 around {_center}:
            set {_distance} to distance between {_center} and loop-block
            if {_distance} is between 3.5 and 4.5:
                if loop-block is air:
                    add location of loop-block to {_blocks::*}
                    set loop-block to glass
        send "&aHas creado un anillo de vidrio a tu alrededor. Desaparecerá en 8 segundos." to player
        wait 8 seconds
        loop {_blocks::*}:
            set block at loop-value to air
        send "&cEl anillo de vidrio ha desaparecido." to player

I have created a script based on the one you gave me, but doing so leaves me with some openings in the dome
Try to change the distance to whole numbers. Like 3 and 5 instead of 3.5 and 4.5