Help needed with TuSKe gui's

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Jan 21, 2018
Hi, i am looking for some help making some guis with the TuSKe addon for skript.
Of what i figured out so far is that i cannot use variables in messages.

command /report [<Player>] [<Text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&1&l[&9&lMartinixy&1&1]&r&c /report 'Spiller'" to player
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-2 is not set:
                create a gui with id "REPORT" with virtual chest with 3 rows named "&4Report %player-argument%":
                    make gui 0 with redstone block named "&4&lINFO!" with lore "&4Bliver den menu misbrugt får du ban!"
                    make gui 11 with diamond sword named "&4&lHack" with lore "&4Klik her for at reporte %player-argument% for at hacke.":
                        open gui "HACK" to player
                    make gui 13 with book and quill named "&7Chat misbrug" with lore "&7Klik her for at reporte %player-argument% for at misbruge chatten.":
                        open gui "CHATMISBRUG" to player
                    make gui 15 with paper named "&cAndre" with lore "&cKlik her for at reporte %player-argument% for noget andet.":
                        open gui "ANDET" to player
                create a gui with id "HACK" with virtual chest with 3 rows named "&4Report %player-argument% for hack":
                    make gui 9 with iron sword named "&4Killaura" with lore "&4Klik her for at reporte %player-argument% for at bruge &4&lKILLAURA.":
                        loop all players:
                            if loop-player has permission "admin":
                                send "%{Name::%player%}% &4har reportet %player-argument% &4for Killaura." to player
                        send "&2Tak for din report, hvis der en admin eller over online og har tid, vil de tage sig af sagen." to player
                        set {cooldownreport.Minutter.%player%} to 4       
                        set {cooldownreport.Sekunder.%player%} to 60
                        close player's inventory
                open gui "REPORT" to player

I cannot use %player-argument% in the message event It just says none, any help ?
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set the arg to a variable then use it. i believe it can be a local variable but maybe not
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