skript config
24.01 22:49:03 [Server] ERROR database error: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
24.01 22:48:53 [Server] ERROR database error: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
24.01 22:48:43 [Server] ERROR database error: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
skript config
database 1:
# an example database to describe all possible options.
type: MySQL
# The type of this database. Allowed values are 'CSV', 'SQLite', 'MySQL' and 'disabled'.
# CSV uses a text file to store the variables, while SQLite and MySQL use databases, and 'disabled' makes Skript ignore the database as if it wasn't defined at all.
pattern: my.*
# Defines which variables to save in this database.
# This pattern uses Regex syntax, e.g. use 'db_.*' (without the quotes) to store all variables prefixed with 'db_' in this database,
# or use '.*' (the default value) to store all variables here (recommended for the last database in this list, as otherwise some variables might not be saved).
# Please note that variables are only stored in one database, and databases are checked from top to bottom,
# e.g. if a variable matches the topmost database's pattern it will be saved there and nowhere else.
# BTW: Patterns are checked in a separate thread, i.e. your server likely won't run slower when using complicated patterns.
monitor changes: true
monitor interval: 15 seconds
# If 'monitor changes' is set to true, variables will repeatedly be checked for updates in the database (in intervals set in 'monitor interval').
# ! Please note that you should set 'pattern', 'monitor changes' and 'monitor interval' to the same values on all servers that access the same database!
# == MySQL configuration ==
host: myMySQL ip
port: 3306 # 3306 is MySQL's default port, i.e. you likely won't need to change this value
user: yazonpro
password: mypassword
database: yazonpro_Skript # The database to use. Skript will automatically create a table 'variables21' in this database if it doesn't exist
# (If the table exists but is defined differently that how Skript expects it to be you'll get errors and no variables will be saved and/or loaded)
# == SQLite/CSV configuration ==
file: ./plugins/Skript/variables.db
# Where to save the variables to. For a CSV file, the file extension '.csv' is recommended, but not required, but SQLite database files must end in '.db' (SQLibrary forces this).
# The file path can either be absolute (e.g. 'C:\whatever\...' [Windows] or '/usr/whatever/...' [Unix]), or relative to the server directory (e.g. './plugins/Skript/...').
backup interval: 2 hours
# Creates a backup of the file every so often. This can be useful if you ever want to revert variables to an older state.
# Variables are saved constantly no matter what is set here, thus a server crash will never make you loose any variables.
# Set this to 0 to disable this feature.