Hi, I need help with this.
How can I assign a name to each team and then that name appear in the people who belong to the team in the chat?
command /team [<text>] [<text>]:
executable by: players
if arg-1 is "create":
if arg-2 is set:
if {teams.status} is true:
if player is not in {Team.InTeam::%sender%}:
send "{@P} &bHas creado el equipo %arg-2%"
add player to {Team.InTeam::%sender%}
wait 0.5 seconds
add {Team.InTeam::%sender%} to {Team.TeamsTotales::*}
add 1 to {TeamsTotales::*}
add arg-2 to {Team.Name::*}
on chat:
if {teams.status} is true:
cancel the event
broadcast "&6[%{Team.Name::*}%] &3%player%: &f%message%"
How can I assign a name to each team and then that name appear in the people who belong to the team in the chat?