on command /spawn:
if {CombatTIme%player%} is not 0:
cancel event
send "" to player
send "&cYou can't use commands in combat"
send "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____"
on leave:
if player does not have permission "combat.admin.sk":
if {CombatLog%player%} is "Yes":
kill player
broadcast ""
broadcast "&c%player% Left durring combat"
broadcast "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____"
on damage:
if attacker is player:
set {CombatTime%victim%} to 10
set {CombatTime%attacker%} to 10
if {CombatLog%victim%} is "No":
send "" to victim
send "&cYou are now in combat" to victim
send "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____" to victim
if {CombatLog%attacker%} is "No":
send "" to attacker
send "&cYou are now in combat" to attacker
send "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____" to attacker
if {CombatLog%victim%} is "No":
set {CombatLog%victim%} to "Yes"
while {CombatTime%victim%} is not 0:
send action bar "&cCombat With &l&n%attacker%&8&l >>&c %{CombatTime%victim%}%" to victim
subtract 1 from {CombatTime%victim%}
wait 1 second
set {CombatLog%victim%} to "No"
send "&aYou are out of combat, you can /spawn or leave!" to victim
send "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____" to victim
if {CombatLog%attacker%} is "No":
set {CombatLog%attacker%} to "Yes"
while {CombatTime%attacker%} is not 0:
send action bar "&cCombat With &l&n%victim%&8&l >>&c %{CombatTime%attacker%}%" to attacker
subtract 1 from {CombatTime%attacker%}
wait 1 second
set {CombatLog%attacker%} to "No"
send "" to attacker
send "&aOut of combat, you can leave!" to attacker
send "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____" to attacker
on death:
set {CombatTime%victim%} to 0
if {CombatTIme%player%} is not 0:
cancel event
send "" to player
send "&cYou can't use commands in combat"
send "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____"
on leave:
if player does not have permission "combat.admin.sk":
if {CombatLog%player%} is "Yes":
kill player
broadcast ""
broadcast "&c%player% Left durring combat"
broadcast "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____"
on damage:
if attacker is player:
set {CombatTime%victim%} to 10
set {CombatTime%attacker%} to 10
if {CombatLog%victim%} is "No":
send "" to victim
send "&cYou are now in combat" to victim
send "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____" to victim
if {CombatLog%attacker%} is "No":
send "" to attacker
send "&cYou are now in combat" to attacker
send "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____" to attacker
if {CombatLog%victim%} is "No":
set {CombatLog%victim%} to "Yes"
while {CombatTime%victim%} is not 0:
send action bar "&cCombat With &l&n%attacker%&8&l >>&c %{CombatTime%victim%}%" to victim
subtract 1 from {CombatTime%victim%}
wait 1 second
set {CombatLog%victim%} to "No"
send "&aYou are out of combat, you can /spawn or leave!" to victim
send "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____" to victim
if {CombatLog%attacker%} is "No":
set {CombatLog%attacker%} to "Yes"
while {CombatTime%attacker%} is not 0:
send action bar "&cCombat With &l&n%victim%&8&l >>&c %{CombatTime%attacker%}%" to attacker
subtract 1 from {CombatTime%attacker%}
wait 1 second
set {CombatLog%attacker%} to "No"
send "" to attacker
send "&aOut of combat, you can leave!" to attacker
send "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____" to attacker
on death:
set {CombatTime%victim%} to 0