on place of chest:
if name of player's tool is "Deneme":
add location to {spawner::*}
set {_location} to location of targeted block
set {spawner::%{_location}%} to {_location}
send "koydun"
on break of chest:
if {spawner::%location of targeted block%} is set:
clear {spawner::%location of targeted block%}
remove location of targeted block from {spawner::*}
send "kırdın"
cancel event
set block to air
give 1 chest named "Deneme" to player
delete {demiradet::%location%}
every 5 second:
loop all players:
loop {spawner::%loop-player's targeted block%}:
add 5 iron ingot to block at {spawner::%loop-player location block%}