As shown in the picture below, when I load my skript, armor is placed on the player, but when you look down near the hunger bar, no armor is shown to be on the player. A temporary fix I have found is if you simply remove the armor piece and place it back on then it shows the armor bar again.
command /kit [<text>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
message "{@KPVP}You must specify which kit you want with /kit <kit>"
else if arg 1 is "default":
if {kit.default.%player%} is false:
send "{@KPVP}Received kit &bDefault&7."
wait 1 tick
clear the inventory of player
wait 1 tick
set helmet of the player to iron helmet
set chestplate of the player to iron chestplate
set leggings of the player to iron leggings
set boots of the player to iron boots
set slot 0 of player's inventory to 1 iron sword named "{@KPVP}Iron Sword"
set slot 1 of player's inventory to 1 bow named "{@KPVP}Bow"
set slot 2 of player's inventory to 1 fishing rod named "{@KPVP}Fishing Rod"
set slot 3 of player's inventory to 5 golden apples named "{@KPVP}Golden Apple"
set slot 4 of player's inventory to 10 fire charges named "{@KPVP}Fire Charge"
set slot 9 of player's inventory to 16 arrows named "{@KPVP}Arrow"
set {kit.default.%player%} to true
send "{@KPVP}Kit already enabled. Die to change your kit."