I'm trying to create an option that allows players to change their "wallpaper" for the Warp GUI. I can't get it to work. Can you please see what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
wallpaper.%uuid of player%: white stained glass pane
command /warpgui:
permission: warpgui.player
permission message: "&cLacking permission."
open chest with 3 row named "§b&lWarp" to player
wait 1 tick
set {_glass} to {@wallpaper.%uuid of player%} named "&f"
set {_warp_spawn} to oak sapling named "§6Spawn"
set {_warp_resource} to spruce sapling named "§6Resource"
set {_warp_survival} to birch sapling named "§6Survival"
set {_warp_rules} to paper named "§6Rules"
set {_warp_arena} to diamond sword named "§cArena"
set {_back} to barrier named "§cBack"
format gui slot 11 of player with {_warp_spawn} to close then run player command "/spawn"
format gui slot 12 of player with {_warp_survival} to close then run player command "/warp survival"
format gui slot 13 of player with {_warp_resource} to close then run player command "/warp resource"
format gui slot 14 of player with {_warp_rules} to close then run player command "/warp rules"
format gui slot 15 of player with {_warp_arena} to close then run player command "/warp arena"
format gui slot 22 of player with {_back} to close then run player command "/minepad"
format gui slot 0 of player with orange wool to set {wallpaper.%uuid of player%} to "orange stained glass pane"
format gui slot 1 of player with yellow wool to set {wallpaper.%uuid of player%} to "yellow stained glass pane"
format gui slot 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 and 16 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 20 and 21 and 23 and 24 and 25 and 26 and 27 of player with {_glass} to close