Hey all, i seem to be having an issue, i am creating a gui for my staff to use for banning warning and mute. I have only set ban and temp ban for now, I have gave the satff the permissions needed for both the ban plugin and my skript. The issue is i can use the gui fine, i click and it opens the next menu, but when my staff open the gui for example tempban nothing happens, no new page. I do get errors in consle though,
This is the Skript:
This is the Console error: (only when other non opped staff try to open next gui)
The plugins are up to date and the staff haver permissions because they can run the command fine when typed ( /smpadmintempban <player> ) its just the gui that wont work.
This is the Skript:
# Name - PixelAdmin GUI
# Version - AdvancedBan 2.0
# Written By - Chris90 aka FallingCactus
command /p [<offline player>]:
permission: PixelAdmin.use
permission message: &f&lPixel&c&lAdmin &8> &aNice try! &7Only our staff have this permission.
set {_banplayer} to arg-1
wait 2 ticks
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&f&lPixel&c&lAdmin &8> &6/ban &7<player>"
if arg-1 is set:
open virtual chest inventory with 1 rows named "&f&lPixel&c&lAdmin &7GUI" to player
create a gui slot 0 of player with light gray glass pane named " " to do nothing
create a gui slot 1 of player with light green glass pane named "&a&lMute: &a%{_banplayer}%" with lore "&7Click to select" to run player command "skript:smpadmintempmute %{_banplayer}%"
create a gui slot 2 of player with light gray glass pane named " " to do nothing
create a gui slot 3 of player with yellow glass pane named "&e&lWarn: &a%{_banplayer}%" with lore "&7Click to select" to run player command "skript:smpadmintempwarn %{_banplayer}%"
create a gui slot 4 of player with light gray glass pane named " " to do nothing
create a gui slot 5 of player with orange glass pane named "&6&lTemp Ban: &a%{_banplayer}%" with lore "&7Click to select" to run player command "skript:smpadmintempban %{_banplayer}%"
create a gui slot 6 of player with light gray glass pane named " " to do nothing
create a gui slot 7 of player with red glass pane named "&c&lPerm Ban: &a%{_banplayer}%" with lore "&7Click to select" to run player command "skript:smpadminban %{_banplayer}%"
create a gui slot 8 of player with light gray glass pane named " " to do nothing
command /smpadminban [<offline player>]:
permission: PixelAdmin.ban
permission message: &f&lPixel&c&lAdmin &8> &aNice try! &7Only our mods and admins have this permission.
set {_banplayer} to arg-1
wait 2 ticks
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&c&lSMP&f&lAdmin &8> &6/ban &7<player>"
if arg-1 is set:
open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&cPerm Ban: &a%{_banplayer}%" to player
wait 1 tick
create a gui slot 9 of player with iron sword named "&aPvP/Kill Aura Hacks" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{_banplayer}% PvP/Kill Aura Hacks"
create a gui slot 10 of player with feather named "&aFly/Speed/Water Hacking" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{_banplayer}% Fly/Speed/Water Hacking"
create a gui slot 11 of player with diamond named "&aX-Ray" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{_banplayer}% X-Ray"
create a gui slot 12 of player with compass named "&aAdvertising" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{_banplayer}% Advertising"
create a gui slot 13 of player with creeper head named "&aStaff Impersonation/Disrespect" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{_banplayer}% Staff Impersonation/Disrespect"
create a gui slot 14 of player with Book and Quill named "&aSpam/Racism/Harassment/Sexism/Threats/KYS" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{_banplayer}% Spam/Racism/Harassment/Sexism/Threats/KYS"
create a gui slot 15 of player with tnt named "&aGriefing" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{_banplayer}% Griefing"
create a gui slot 16 of player with ender chest named "&aExploiting &7(Please remove items/money)" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{_banplayer}% Exploiting"
create a gui slot 17 of player with cobweb named "&aOther/Unspecified" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:ban %{_banplayer}% Other/Unspecified"
command /smpadmintempban [<offline player>]:
permission: PixelAdmin.tempban
permission message: &c&lSMP&f&lAdmin &8> &aNice try! &7Only our staff have this permission.
set {_banplayer} to arg-1
wait 2 tick
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&c&lSMP&f&lAdmin &r&8> &6/tempban &7<player>"
if arg-1 is set:
open virtual chest inventory with 5 rows named "&eTemp Ban: &a%{_banplayer}%" to player
wait 1 tick
create a gui slot 9 of player with iron sword named "&aPvP/Kill Aura Hacks" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 7d PvP/Kill Aura Hacks"
create a gui slot 10 of player with feather named "&aFly/Speed/Water Hacking" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 7d Fly/Speed/Water Hacking"
create a gui slot 11 of player with diamond named "&aX-Ray" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 7d X-Ray"
create a gui slot 12 of player with compass named "&aAdvertising" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 7d Advertising"
create a gui slot 13 of player with creeper head named "&aStaff Impersonation/Disrespect" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 7d Staff Impersonation/Disrespect"
create a gui slot 14 of player with Book and Quill named "&aSpam/Racism/Harassment/Sexism/Threats/KYS" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 7d Spam/Racism/Harassment/Sexism/Threats/KYS"
create a gui slot 15 of player with tnt named "&aGriefing" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 7d Griefing"
create a gui slot 16 of player with ender chest named "&aExploiting &7(Please remove items/money)" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 7d Exploiting"
create a gui slot 17 of player with cobweb named "&aOther/Unspecified" with lore "&e7 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 7d Other/Unspecified"
create a gui slot 27 of player with iron sword named "&aPvP/Kill Aura Hacks" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 14d PvP/Kill Aura Hacks"
create a gui slot 28 of player with feather named "&aFly/Speed/Water Hacking" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 14d Fly/Speed/Water Hacking"
create a gui slot 29 of player with diamond named "&aX-Ray" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 14d X-Ray"
create a gui slot 30 of player with compass named "&aAdvertising" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 14d Advertising"
create a gui slot 31 of player with creeper head named "&aStaff Impersonation/Disrespect" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 14d Staff Impersonation/Disrespect"
create a gui slot 32 of player with Book and Quill named "&aSpam/Racism/Harassment/Sexism/Threats/KYS" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 14d Spam/Racism/Harassment/Sexism/Threats/KYS"
create a gui slot 33 of player with tnt named "&aGriefing" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 14d Griefing"
create a gui slot 34 of player with ender chest named "&aExploiting &7(Please remove items/money)" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 14d Exploiting"
create a gui slot 35 of player with cobweb named "&aOther/Unspecified" with lore "&e14 Days" to close:
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/essentials:smite %{_banplayer}%"
wait 5 ticks
execute player command "/advancedban:tempban %{_banplayer}% 14d Other/Unspecified"
This is the Console error: (only when other non opped staff try to open next gui)
[13:29:50 INFO]: BigSpikyCactus issued server command: /p SandoGO
[13:29:50 INFO]: BigSpikyCactus [d38f650b-bc7c-46be-a415-3322507e2e12]: /p SandoGO
[13:29:52 ERROR]: Could not pass event InventoryClickEvent to Skript v2.2-dev32c
java.lang.NullPointerException: name
at me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.model.LPPermissible.addAttachment(LPPermissible.java:204) ~[?:?]
at me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.model.LPPermissible.addAttachment(LPPermissible.java:67) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.entity.CraftHumanEntity.addAttachment(CraftHumanEntity.java:128) ~[spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-45c8386]
at com.github.tukenuke.tuske.util.CommandUtils.runCommand(CommandUtils.java:37) ~[?:?]
at com.github.tukenuke.tuske.sections.gui.EffFormatGUI.lambda$execute$0(EffFormatGUI.java:132) ~[?:?]
at com.github.tukenuke.tuske.manager.gui.GUI.run(GUI.java:29) ~[?:?]
at com.github.tukenuke.tuske.manager.gui.GUIManager$1.onClick(GUIManager.java:149) ~[?:?]
at com.github.tukenuke.tuske.listeners.GUIListener.onEvent(GUIListener.java:57) ~[?:?]
at com.github.tukenuke.tuske.manager.gui.v2.SkriptGUIEvent.check(SkriptGUIEvent.java:39) ~[?:?]
at ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.check(SkriptEventHandler.java:145) ~[?:?]
at ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler$1.execute(SkriptEventHandler.java:109) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:62) ~[spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-45c8386]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:500) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-45c8386]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:485) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-45c8386]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.a(PlayerConnection.java:1889) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-45c8386]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:33) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-45c8386]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:10) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-45c8386]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$1.run(SourceFile:13) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-45c8386]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511) [?:1.8.0_112]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) [?:1.8.0_112]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-45c8386]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.D(MinecraftServer.java:748) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-45c8386]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.D(DedicatedServer.java:406) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-45c8386]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.C(MinecraftServer.java:679) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-45c8386]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:577) [spigot-1.12.2.jar:git-Spigot-549c1fa-45c8386]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [?:1.8.0_112]
The plugins are up to date and the staff haver permissions because they can run the command fine when typed ( /smpadmintempban <player> ) its just the gui that wont work.
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