So this is my code and ITS SHOWS AS ERROS I DON’T WHY please help
this is an old error but same code
on right click on a redstone block:
if location of event-block is {miner.%player%::*}:
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&f%player%'s &6Bitcoin &cMiner" to player
format gui slot 0 of player with chest named "&eCollect all &6%{bitcoin.generated.%player%}% bitcoin(s)" to close then run:
add {bitcoin.generated.%player%} to {bitcoins.%player%}
wait 5 ticks
set {bitcoin.generated.%player%} to 0
format gui slot 27 of player with barrier named "&cRemove Miner" to close then run:
give player 1 of redstone block named "&6Bitcoin &cMiner" with lore "&7Gives you bitcoins when placed"
remove 1 from {minersplaced.%player%}
message "@p &cRemoved Miner"