Solved gui custom loot and chance

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Active Member
May 20, 2021
So if you right click on a block to open a gui and have a chance to drop what items you choose and also have a drop chance of that item
on right click on chest:
  cancel event
  open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "Chest Loot" to player
  chance of 10%:
    add dirt to {_items::*}
  chance of 15%:
    add iron sword named "test" to {_items::*}
  loop {_items::*}:
    format gui slot loop-number of player with loop-value
[ERROR] There's no loop that matches 'loop-number of player' (, line 11: format gui slot loop-number of player with loop-value')
I am getting this
  loop {_items::*}:
    format gui slot loop-number of player with loop-value

    set {_x} to 0
    loop {_items::*}:
        format gui slot {_x} of player with loop-value
        add 1 to {_x}
There is a problem. You remember that u made me a recycler right ? So when I try to loot the item, it won't let me take it, the item is replacing automatically back.
on inventory click:
  if clicked raw slot = 3 or 4:
    execute console command "ecraft open invcraft %player%"
Also I have this to execute a command on inventory crafting click and if I press in the gui in the 4th and 5th slot it will execute the command.
There is a problem. You remember that u made me a recycler right ? So when I try to loot the item, it won't let me take it, the item is replacing automatically back.
on inventory click:
  if clicked raw slot = 3 or 4:
    execute console command "ecraft open invcraft %player%"
Also I have this to execute a command on inventory crafting click and if I press in the gui in the 4th and 5th slot it will execute the command.

My bad try:
set slot {_x} of player's current inventory to loop-value

and a gui starts at slot 0