
Addon GravesX 4.97.3

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Legoman99573 updated GravesX with a new update entry:

Big update

  • Added support for NoteBlockAPI (disabled by default)
  • Fixed bug with inventory on servers older than 1.21.3
  • Fixed sound enum bug from servers older than 1.21.3
  • Added GraveWalkOverEvent (this would have called GraveAutoLootEvent, but gave it its own event to be consistent)
  • Better document explode-protection and protection-radius methods in grave.yml
  • Config bumped to 18
  • Fixed bug if config is higher than the current version, it wouldn't regenerate any...

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Legoman99573 updated GravesX with a new update entry:

Small Adjustment to libraries

Libraries for Databases will not load if not required (this prevents large disk usage and useless library pulls if a database option isn't being used)

This was a long standing issue that was never address and would like to clear the auth dependency issue brought up. This is required for the MariaDB library and only for the MariaDB library. The auth allows MariaDB being hosted on Amazon RDS to work with no issues. Link to the library is...

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Legoman99573 updated GravesX with a new update entry:

New Permission Node

Though we were aware that people took advantage of a long standing bug pertaining to keep inventory, for administrative usage, this is now fixed and due to the request of undoing this, I have decided to create a permission node to make this a feature instead so that those who don't want to deop themselves can make both parties happy.

Players will now be required to have the graves.keepinventory.bypass permission in order to get the old behavior back, which is false by...

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Legoman99573 updated GravesX with a new update entry:

Christmas Update

  • Added Projectiles being able to destroy graves (disabled by default)
  • Added GraveProjectileHitEvent (fires when a projectile destroys a grave. Can be cancelled.)
  • Developers can now use #getGraveFromBlockLocation(Location) to get a grave based on location. This will grab the block in that location.
  • Fixed a bug where other GUIs would appear with certain blocks that have their own GUIs
  • Fixed h2 connection string causing errors on some distributions
  • Developers...

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