Solved Glitching Signs?

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I don't know how to fix this, but my Signs are glitching when I set a line of a Sign. It sets the line to the text, sets it back to the previous text, waits a few ticks, and puts it to the text I prefered.
When I change them manually, this doesn't happen. I tried to wait a few ticks, but I think it's just a stupid mistake I made, or a simple MC-bug. :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

        else if arg-1 is "addsign":
            if arg-2 is set:
                if targeted block is wall sign:
                    loop {MW::GlobalStats::ListModes::*}:
                        "%loop-value%" is "%arg-2%"
                        set {_mode} to "%arg-2%"
                    if {_mode} is set:
                        add location of targeted block to {MW::GlobalSettings::SignWall::%{_mode}%::*}
                        message "&6&lMusicWars &8| &aYou've added the Targeted Sign to the &f%{_mode}% Mode!" to player
                        wait 1 tick
                        set line 1 of targeted block to "&5&l&nMusicWars"
                        if {MW::ArenaStats::ModeEnabled::%{_mode}%} is not set:
                            set line 3 of targeted block to "&4&oMaintenance"
                            set line 3 of targeted block to "&8&lSearching.."
                        message "&6&lMusicWars &8| &cThis Mode doesn't exist!"
                    message "&6&lMusicWars &8| &cYou need to target a Wall Sign!"
                message "&6&lMusicWars &8| &cYou need to specify a Mode-name!"
        else if arg-1 is "deletesigns":  
            if arg-2 is set:
                loop {MW::GlobalStats::ListModes::*}:
                    "%loop-value%" is "%arg-2%"
                    set {_mode} to "%arg-2%"
                if {_mode} is set:
                    loop {MW::GlobalSettings::SignWall::%{_mode}%::*}:
                        set line 1 of block at loop-value to ""
                        set line 2 of block at loop-value to ""
                        set line 3 of block at loop-value to ""
                        set line 4 of block at loop-value to ""
                        wait 2 ticks
                    delete {MW::GlobalSettings::SignWall::%{_mode}%::*}
                    message "&6&lMusicWars &8| &aDeleted all Signs of the &f%{_mode}% Mode Wall!" to player

Mmm.. This looks simmelair To what i experienced before all i had to do was a restart.

(Disclaimer can be the script you have written i haven't look deep in To iT.
[doublepost=1495276523,1495276306][/doublepost]If this doesn't work would like To Have a list of THE non skript plugins
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